Send this Smile Over to You


A small sigh breezed past her lips as she waited for her coffee to stop steaming. Her right knee bounced up and down under the table, keeping a steady beat. She pushed herself further back into the metal chair she was occupying, sinking down slightly so she could comfortably cross her left leg over her right. She pulled a loose thread off of her skinny jeans on her upper right thigh and looked down at her beat up black and white low-top converse. Her right foot stayed flat on the ground as her left foot jiggled in the air centimeters away from where she picked the loose thread from.

She let her mind slowly wander as she waited impatiently. She was often left the victim after drinking burning hot coffee, with the roof of her mouth always scorched and tender for longer then she would like. Today she reminded herself to pace herself and let the coffee cool off before drinking it. Sadly the thought didn't always cross her mind once a coffee was set in front of her as the scent was always warm and inviting.

She heard the buzz of capuchino machines and mild conversations from other people in the cafe, but paid no attention to any of it. She just needed background noise to keep her occupied while she waited to drink her beverage and replay the previous night's events.

She was normally not the type to dwell on the past or any situation whatsoever. But when things sprang out of nowhere and completely caught her off guard, tossing her routines and comfort zones out of whack, she felt the need to isolate herself away from her friends. Unlike most people, she stuck herself in the middle of a busy cafe where she wouldn't know anyone versus locking herself in her home where all of her friends and family had access to.

So when Matt walked through the front glass doors of the cafe and found her sitting by herself at a table for two, she felt as if it was more than just a coincidence. He smiled at her and held up one finger before he walked up to the counter to order himself a beverage of his own. As soon as the cup was set in front of him he paid for it and turned around, making his way towards his friend to keep her company.

"Hey Tara," he smiled kindly before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss to her temple. He pulled the unoccupied chair closer to Tara and sat down in it with his back against the high back of the chair and both of his feet flat on the ground, his legs only millimeters away from Tara's.

"Hey Matt," she replied once he was settled. She watched him as he adjusted his aviators on top of his head before removing the lid on his cup to take a drink of his capuchino. He smiled as he savored the taste before swallowing the warm liquid.

He set the cup on the table in front of Tara's cup and then met her eyes with a kind smile. "What are you doing here alone?"

Tara picked up her drink and looked at the liquid to see if there was still steam. She had taken the lid off almost instantly when she had reached her seat to let it cool off more quickly. "I'm just relaxing I guess," she answered, before she brought the rim of the cup to her mouth and took a small sip to test the temperature of her coffee and then taking a larger drink when she was satisfied.

Matt cocked his head to the side and studied her for a few moments, "you came to a crowded cafe to relax?"

Tara let out a light laugh and simply nodded her head while she looked out the window. When she felt Matt's eyes on her she turned her head back to meet his eyes. "What?" she asked, as Matt continued to look at her. She felt so small and embarrassed as he focused all of his attention on her, studying her. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks and instantly brought her hands up to her face, shielding the rose coloured tint with the sleeves of her sweater from Matt's gaze.

She watched as he reached both of his hands out in front of him and towards her as he leaned forward in his seat. She felt his hands wrap gingerly around her own and pull them down to rest on their knees that were pressed together. He smiled and held both of her hands securely in his left hand as he reached his right hand up and cupped her left cheek in the palm of his hand.

Matt's heartbeat increased as he felt Tara's face incline into his touch as she closed her eyes. He watched as the colour that had recently flushed her cheeks began to fade away, showing how pale her skin naturally was. He watched as a smile spread across her lips as he rubbed his thumb along her cheekbone smoothly.

"You're so beautiful," his voice floated towards her ears. Her eyes slowly opened as his words sunk into her mind. She gently bit her lip before smiling towards him. She felt her body become weightless as the moments passed, Matt still looking at her and softly rubbing his thumb along her cheekbone continously.

Matt slid his fingers towards the back of her neck and gently began to pull her towards him as he moved closer to her as well. He knew that he could no longer keep his feelings to himself about Tara, not after last night as everyone sat around in Brian's backyard, everyone a couple but Matt and Tara. The things they talked about, and the way they had looked at each other all night was such an eye-opener to the both of them. They knew that if they hadn't been so shy, that things would have happened between them such a long time ago.

Tara felt as if everything that had ever been missing with her past boyfriends as they kissed was present as Matt's lips met hers. It was as if everything might start falling into place for her now, as if Matt had always been the one that should've been by her side all along. As much as she had always wanted to express how she felt towards Matt, it was just never the right time for the both of them.

They pulled apart and rested their forehead's together, letting their eyes meet as they smiled at one another. They both knew that some things in life are just worth waiting for, and waiting for their moment had been one of them.