
Love: it can heal and it can hurt. No one knows this better than Siobhan (pronounced "sha-von") Smith. After two painful and heartbreaking relationships, she finds it hard to love again. But when her best friend Oliver confesses his love for her, Siobhan has to decide if she can trust him or if she'll be hurt again.

Written for my dear friend Kimmeh. Hope you like it!


Edit: Siobhan got a 15 on the Mary-Sue Litmus Test. :D
11-20 points: The Non-Sue. Your character is a well-developed, balanced person, and is almost certainly not a Mary Sue. Congratulations!
  1. 1 - Bring It
    The bus ride home -- was he planning this all along? Lyrics by MCR
  2. 2 - Punch Kick Romance
    I bet you saw this coming.
  3. 3 - Bruised and Recovering
    I'm not ready to love you.
  4. 4 - Fever
    Is he sick or is it something more?