Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

Glad You're Back But What's With All The Suprises

*last days of pregnancy*
Seeing as Kate went with the boys to the world tour, I called Mairi to stay with me. It were the last days of me being pregnant. I knew it was going to be a boy and I had gotten Brendon to agree with me that Kristopher would be the best name for the baby. One november day, me and Mairi were playing cards, when my phone started to play "Wake Up Call" by Maroon 5.

"What is my favorite girl doing?"
"Sitting and waiting."
"Well glad you are going to do it with me then."

At that point, Brendon just walked into the room. I stood up and went to hug him. I haven' seen him in four and a half months. He kissed me and I felt the happiest girl in the world.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him between kissing his kissable lips.
"I have to be here when the baby is born."
"I love you."

At that time my water broke. I was going to have a baby and I was a little bit worried about that. They rushed me to the hospital, where I had to spend the most longest day in my life. It toke 26 of the most longest hours in my life, but it was worth it. By November 27th evening, me and Brendon were parents to a beautiful baby boy in the world, Kristopher.

"So that's why you wanted hands up for the name? I should have known."
"Well you should have."
"So, when are we going to have a girl then? Cause I agreed on two names."
"You want another one? Just handle this one and than maybe we're going to have another one. Deal?"
"You are so sweet when you tell me what to do."
"Not as sweet as you are."
"Oh please. I could never be sweeter than you are."
"Actually, the sweetest person in the room is Kristopeher," we heard Ryan say when the guys were walking into the hospital room.
"You're right, but look at his parents, no wonder he looks so sweet," Mairi said while holding hands with Jon.
"Ok what happened?" I asked when I saw Mairi and Jon holding hands.
"Oh we" Jon didn't know what to say.
"We just ended up dating," Mairi saved him.
"You two? Dating? Like as in a couple?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah," Jon and Mairi said together.
"So Kriss, do you have a friend for me?" Spencer asked and we all laughed.
"Well actually...there is someone. She's going to be here like tomorrow, so I'm gonna see what I can do."
"What? You are trying to set him up with Maarja?" Mairi asked in amazed tone.
"I can try, can't I?"I answered with a big smile on my face.

I got home the next day. Me and Brendon were in my room with the baby. We talked about stuff when suddenly Brendon got serious. Oh no, what was go going to tell me now?