Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

I Found The Cure To Growing Older And Baby It's Yo

He stood up, walking to the window. You can't really blame me of being scared. Everytime he gets this way, something worse is ahead. I was a little bit scared and hoped that it wasn't some more good news, because I think our relationship really couldn't survive another blow.

"Kristel, I was thinking. Panic! is on tour now and I know you can't tour with us, at least no now. But when the tour is over, I don't want to be away from you. And when the next tour is on, you'd be able to tour with us, because the Kirstopher would be old enough. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is...would you move in with me?" Brendon said and then turned to face me.
"Move in with you? I'd love that."
"Of course, but those that mean I have to move to Las Vegas?"

That was something I didn't want to do. Living in London was hard enough for me, because I was far away from home. I managed to live in London, because I knew I could fly back home, to Estonia, everytime I wanted, but living in Las Vegas didn't give me that escape. I of course wanted to live with Brendon, because then Kristopher would have a father, but I wasn't sure. I guess I'll give it a try.

The next day Brendon and the boys had to go on tour again. Six more months and I'll be living in Las Vegas. That thought scared me, but there was a good thing about it too. Kate was going to move there to with Ryan and Mairi thoughed she moved there too, because she wanted to go to college there. Maarja said she would move there too, but she had to finish her first year at college before back at home in Estonia. So my best friends were going to be there for me if needed, so it was going to be great.

Oh the thing between Maarja and Spencer was going on well, but Maarja wasn't sure about it, but I knew she will change her mind. I'm great at changing people minds. Not just mine.