Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

Karma Police, Arrest Him And Bring Him To Me

*two weeks later*
I sended Kritopher and Elisabeth to Estonia, because my mother wanted to have some time with them. This was perfect, because I didn't have to tell anybody yet that I have a daughter and I didn't have to answer questions. But I knew I had no change of escaping that, because my babies would be back on the wedding day.

"I have missed this flat," I heard Kate say.
"And you haven't missed me at all?" I said ttying to sound hurt.
"You I have missed the most. Where the hell did you go for four months?" Kate asked me when I had closed the door after Brendon. Why were they all here?
"I had to take some time off."
"And you didn't feel lonely?" Mairi asked me.
"I didn't. Ragnar gave me company and his sister was here and well if you have kids, you never get bored."
"So where is Kristopher?" Brendon asked me while looking straight into my eyes.
"He's with my mom back home."
"Sending him off...did he do something bad?" Spencer asked me.
"No he didn't, my mom had some free time and toke him in. He will be back on the wedding day, so you all can see him then," I said while looking at Brendon. I had to tell him, but not yet.
"We're gonna see him so much more than on that day. We are all here for a vacation and to write new stuff," Jon said.
"So we are gonna go shopping," Maarja yelled.
"I hate shopping, everybody here know it," I said to her while laughing.
"Oh come on. You might need some new...well you know what I mean," Mairi said with a smile.
"Thanks, but no thanks. I think that when I wear nothing, that's good enough."
"Are you telling me, you don't need something sexy to go under your clothes?" Kate asked me.
"Who says I wear anything underneath?" I said with a small smile.
"You don't?" Spencer and Jon asked at the same time, but got hit by their girlfriends for that.
"You will never know," I said and looked at Brendon. He was sitting there and just looking at me.

After talking for sometime, I needed some air. I went on to the balcony and just sat there. The fresh air did a lot of good to me. I didn't know how long I had sat there, but I heard Kate yell that they are leaving. All alone, at last. But I wasn't. I heard someone walk onto the balcony. I turned around to see Brendon there.

"Kate said I can sleep in her room," he said and was about to go.
"Don't go," I said.
"Why not?"
"Let's talk."
"Maybe about us?"
"Brendon, there isn't a us."
"But there could be."
"Are you seeing someone?"
"Yes, but I'd break up with her just so we can be together."
"No, we both know how that is going to end."
"Maybe we can be friends and see where that takes us."
"Yeah, we can do that.
"Listen, there's something I have wanted to ask you all night long."
"Who is that little girl in this picture with you and Kristopher?" he asked me and showed me the picture.
"She's...I have to go to sleep now," I said and went to my door and locked it.

I shoud have told him that it's his daughter, but I couldn't. I was going to wait. Yes, he will hate me for it, but I just needed time. I heard the door slam. He didn't stay. That was for the best.