Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

It's The Smile That Gives Me Butterflies Not His E

Me and Kate were on the plane, half way to Las Vegas. I wasn't talking much, what really isn't like me. I'm usually the most hyper active person when I'm with my friends. Kate saw that I wasn't being my normal self and she wanted to know what was going on.

"What's the matter Kriss, I hate it when you are so not you?"
"Ragnar came by before you came," was all I managed to say.
"So, what about him?"
"He said that he will let me go so I can live my life and that he won' keep me from it...or something like that. I really don't wanna talk about it."
"Ok babe, but promise me one thing."
"And that would be?"
"Just forgethim for these two weeks and live your life to the fullest."
"Yeah, that was my plan too."
"Cool that we are on the same page."
"Yeah it is, isn't it?"

The rest of the flight I listen to my iPod. I had all my favourite bands on it, but somehow I found myself listening to "Razorblade Kiss" by HIM over and over and over again. I really don't know why, maybe because it's just a great song.

When we had gotten our bags, Kate took my hand. We started to walk out, but then she stopped in her tracks. She let my hand go and ran to a guy. I knew that face from somewhere, but I just couldn't put the face into a place. As I was standing there, Kate came to me and we walked up to this guy, who I still couldn't figure out. But then suddenly it hit me, like a train going on full speed.

"Kriss, this is Brendon. Brendon, this is Kriss."
"Hi ya sexy!" Brendon said to me as he hugged me.
"Hi there. So maybe someone would tell me what's like going on here?"
"We'll tell you this when we get to Ryan's place. Shall we go ladies?"
"Yes please," Kate said and we walked to Brendon's car.

The drive to Ryan's place went by with Brendon and Kate talking like old friends. I wasn't happy at all in the back seat. How did Kate know him? Did Kate know the whole band? Why didn't she tell me this? What more is she hideing from me? The questions were giving my head a real headache, but lucky as I am, my phone started to play "First Date" by Blink 182. I got a text from Mairi, my best friend from back home. The message was: *Krissu, you don't know how much we miss you here, by the way everyone says hi and when the hell are you coming back home. Mairi :* BTW I wanna party with you:)*. All I could do was look out the window and smile to myself. I didn't realise that at the same time Brendon was looking at me and little by little was falling in love with me.