Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

It's The Secrets That Will Keep You Even Closer To

"So what did you want to tell me?" Brendon asked me after I had come back to the kitchen.
"I wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready," I told him and gave him the plate with pancakes.
"This wasn't what you wanted to tell me, was it?"
"Yeah it was."
"Don't lie, it's not nice."
"I am it before it goes cold."

So we sat there behind the table and I looked at him. He knew something, but what was it, I didn't know. I wanted to ask him something, but his phone started to ring.

"Thanks for breakfast, but I have to go now. Ryan is downstairs and Kate is coming right up," Brendon said when he went to get dressed. In a minute he went out the door and I just fell onto the floor and I started to cry. Kate walked in, slammed the door and ran to me. She sat next to me and hugged me.

"What happened?" Kate asked with worry in her voice.
"I can't do this anymore...I have to tell him."
"Tell him what Kristel?"
"Tell him...that we have a little girl."
"What did you just say?"
"That me and Brendon have a daughter."
"Since when? Honey you two have a son and..."
"We have a girl too. She's two weeks old. I found out a week after being back here from Las Vegas."
"Why didn't you tell us about this sooner? It's great news."
"After giving birth to Elisabeth, I got the invitation to your wedding and thought since you all are going to be there, I'll tell you all there and Ragnar's sister was going to bring them to the wedding party. But now I just can't hide this from him. I think he knows something."
"I just hope he didn't forget to bring the box," Kate said under her breathe.
"What did you just say?" I asked her, but I heard it the first time.
"Nothing, just get it all out. I'll keep this secret, don't worry."
"Thank you."
"I just can't wait untill I see the little masterpiece you two made."
"She's something. Reminds me Brendon every single time I look at her."
"I just don't understand why you two can't be together. You have everything you need for a good life."
"Guess life's a bitch."
"If you think life's a bitch,sit next to my honey," Kate sang. I smiled.

The evening went by quickly. We didn't talk, we just watched a movie. "A Walk To Remember" was Kate's favourite movie. I didn't like I, but I watched it. I couldn't really stop thinking about the thing Kate had said. A box? Was it what I thoughed it was? What box? It was driving me crazy. I didn't want it to get to me, but it did. I had to find about it and I had to do it soon.