Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

You Say Goodbye I'll Say You're Wrong, I'll See Yo

It was morning. I was going to Italy today. I couldn't hide my happiness. When I turned around in my bed, I saw Brendon sleeping. He was just so cute when he was sleeping. I slowly got out of bed and went to check the kids. they were both sleeping. I made my way to the kitchen. As I was drinking my morning coffee, I looked at my bags that were next to the door. I didn't believe I was actually doing it. Then Brendon came, sat next to me and watched those bags like I did, but his face turned just a little bit to sad.

"I'm coming back in a week."
"A week is just too long, but it gives me time."
"Gives you time to do what?"
"That you will know when you get back."
"I love you Brendon."
"I love you more Kristel."

Brendon drove me to the airport. It was hard to say bye, but I had to do it finally, when the last call was for my flight. He didn't want me to go and something said inside of me I shouldn't, but I just ignored that voice and went. Just a week untill I see hm again. Or so everybody thoughed.

In the evening, Brendon was with Jon and Mairi in the apartment with the kids. They had the TV on and saw a plane crash being shown, but they didn't pay much attention to it. That's untill Brendon notice the little text: plane crashes in Italy, there are no survivors. He turned up the volume and the three of them just listened. He called the airport and asked what plane had crashed. They told him the number and the phone just fell onto the ground. He crashed to the floor a second later. He started to cry and Mairi went to him to comfort him, even though she needed that too. She had just lost her best friend and couldn't even think about what was going on with Brendon. He was going to propose to Kristel when she was back. That will never happen now. They looked at the news. After watching the news for two days, new news came in: there are five persons missing. Kristel name was one ou of the five. There was hope to find her. Brendon had faith that he will be holding Kristel in his arms soon.

After four days of searching these five missing persons, only one wasn't found. It was Kristel. Brendon had hope and so did the others. But they were realists too. There wasn't a big change of finding Kristel alive anymore. But it's over when the fat lady sings, Brendon said and never gave up hope.