Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

You'll Always Live In My Heart And For Me You Will

*a year later*
Brendon was playing with Kristopher and Elisabeth. Elisabeth had her first birthday last week and Kristopher was two and half year old. Brendon was a great father to them. They went to everywhere Panic went. He never left them behind. He didn't want to be away from something that kept Kristel alive for him. The year without Kristel had went by with two more weddings and two births and one pregnancy. Mairi and Jon got married and they have a two month old baby at home. Maarja and Spencer gott married also and they were expecting their first child. Ryan and Kate were in secenth heaven, because they had twins three months ago. They all lived close to each other, but Brendon spent most of the time in Kristel's flat. If their childeren never remember her monther, they had to know abou her. Kristopher once asked Brendon about his mother. Brendon didn't really know what to say to him, but knew that he had to tell them both about their mother. One night after he had put Kristopher and Elisabeth to sleep, he went to the bedroom. He sat on the bed and looked at the box on the table. He still had hope that Kristel was alive and that one day he will need the box. If not, it will remember him how stupid he was.

Brendon got a call from Ryan who said that they were going to shoot their new video in Italy and that there was some famous model appering in it. Who, he didn't know. Brendon didn't want to go to Italy, but he couldn't say no either.

*same time in Italy*
I was done with another photoshoot. I worked as a model. I was called Christina Luna, but it wasn't my real name. I was the only one who survived a plane crash and I lost my memory. I don't know my name, where I'm from and what life I had. They gave me a new name and a new life. I wanted to know from where I was from and the closest I got was that I was from Estonia, because I only spoke that country's languaeg for a week after I was found. After a week I started to talk in english and also in german and finnish. It was really weird, but I didn't care. I only wanted to know about my life before, but after a month of a search without a result, I got a job as a model. I was pretty famous. I had to cut my hair a little shorter than I had it before and my black hair was changed into a dark blond, which I hated and then it was changed into dark brown what was totally me. I had blue eyes, but they thoughed I had to have brown eyes. They got it. And I also got a nice tan, because they wanted me too. I wanted it to, but the makeover was just too much. I didn't look nothing like I did before, but I guess a new life need a new look. So I went on with it. I lived in Milan and I had a soccer player as a boyfriend. his name is Fernando Torres. He played for Liverpool FC so I didn't see him much, but our relationship was still working. I loved him, but I still felt that I loved someone even more. Fernando understood me all the way and was really nice about it. He loved me, but if I would find my old life and the one I love, he'd let me go, just so I could be happy.

I got a call from my manager, who said I was appering in a rock band video. I asked which band it was and he said it was Panic! At The Disco. I didn't know them and I really didn't want to do it, but a job is a job.