Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

Miracle Happen But I Never Believed In Them Before

Brendon and the band arrived in Italy the night before. They were waiting in a room to meet the model who was playing Brendon's love obsession. It was half past nine when a girl walked in. Brendon didn't look at her first time, he was in his own land. But when Spencer, Jon and Ryan saw the girl, their jaws dropped. It was Kristel. She sure had changed, but it was Kristel. Ryan noticed that Brendon wasn't looking at her, so he hit him. Brendon looked at him like what was he doing, but the Ryan pointed to the girl. Brendon couldn't believe it. It was Kristel. No doubt about it.

After talking about the video, the girl got a phone call. She answered it and Brendon just looked at her. This was a true miracle. It was Kristel, he had found her at last. He wanted to talk to her, but so did the others. When the managers were gone, the boys were left alone with the girl.

"So where are you from?" Ryan asked.
"I think Estonia, but I'm not so sure."
"So what's your name?" Jon asked.
"Christina, but that's not my real name."
"How old are you?" Spencer asked.
"Don't know, but people think around 21."
"Why you don't know anything?" Brendon asked her.
"I was in a plane crash and I lost my memory. I wanted to know what life I had before, but I never found anything out, so I started a new life."
"Don't you wanna know what happened?" Jon asked.
"I want to know, but I guess I will never know."
"You wanna go out with us on the town tonight?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah sure, why not."

We went to have dinner in a nice resturant. I got to know them really well, but I felt like I knew them before. It was a weird feeling. Ryan, Spencer and Jon were all married. They all had kids. Ryan had twin boys, Jon has a daughter, Spencer was actually still waiting for his and Brendon has two kids. He wasn't married and didn't have a girlfriend or anything. I wanted to know why. I felt something for him, but what I didn't know. I wanted to get to know him some more. When we were finished, I toke them to a nightclub, where we danced the night away. When I got back home, I couldn't get Brendon out off my head. Little did I know that I was wondering around his mind too.

I toke a long shower, then called Fernando and went to asleep, but I couldn't sleep. I wanted to talk to Brendon. I needed to talk to him I couldn't say why, I just had to do this. So I got dressed and went to his hotel door. I knocked on it and Brendon opened the door. He looked so good. I looked into his eyes. Those brown eyes were the last things I remembered, before everything went black.