Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

Look At Me And Tell Me You're Joking Cause If Not,

The video shoot was over in a week. Well the video was hot. Me and Brendon grew closer. Nobody noticed how together we always were. Well that is if we don't count the rest of the band. When I had to go out to make a phone call the boys had an intresting conversation.

"Why are you two acting like a couple?" Jon asked.
"Yeah, it's not like she's Kristel," Spencer said.
"But she is," Brendon answered with a smile.
"WHAT?" the boys yelled together.
"Well she remembers her name and that she knew me before the plane crash, but she doesn't know nothing more," Brendon told them.
"So that is Kristel. Man, she has changed," Ryan said.
"Yeah, but she still is the same good old Kristel," Brendon said when I walked in.
"Were you guys talking about me?" I asked when the boys went silent like in a snap of a finger.
"We were talking about the time I went under the shower with Brendon, when I wasn't myself. It was an accident," Spencer said.
"Yeah right. But how was taking his...well you your hand," I asked and Brendon just laughed.
"Well it was...hard," Spencer said and laughed too.
"I don't wanna know anything more. I'm gonna go and take a shower," I said and walked out of the room.
"Spencer, you are the smartest person here. That was so clever," Brendon said
"What did I do?" Spencer asked him.
"I told her about the shower thing and didn't you noticed how she asked about you taking...well you know," Brendon said to him.
"Oh yeah, I see what you mean," Spencer said.
"So that means, her memory is coming back. Slowly, but it's coming back," Jon said.
"That's great. Hey, are we going to tell about this to our wives," Ryan asked Jon and Spencer.
"Better if you don't," Brendon said.
"Ok, but it will be your head on the plate, when the girls find out and ask why we haven't told them," Ryan warned Brendon, but he didn't care.

The next day they went back to London. Brendon held my hand the whole plane ride there. I wasn't scared of flying, but I let him think I was just so I could hold his hand. After getting off the plane, Brendon toke me to his London flat. I remembered that flat. I used to live here. And then I passed out, after seeing a picture of me and Brendon and a little boy.