Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

It's Time For Us To Dance The First Dance Of Our L

"Who was that?" Kate asked Krissu who was still smiling.
"Oh it was Mairi, who now made me homesick."
"You know what helps if you're homesick...a real good time with me," Brendon said with a cheeky voice.
"So you're more than a pretty face who can sing, I'm suprised."
"That wasn't nice Kriss," Kate told me.
"It was a joke, you know me, I have a weird sence of humor."
"Just like me...we'd make a great couple," Brendon said while pulling up in front of Ryan's house.
"And I hope if we'd make a good couple, that not only in humor department," I said while getting out of the car.

That conversation was ended with what I said. Brendon didn't know what to say and it looked like he didn't want too say anything. He was falling faster and faster by the moment. He didn't know if it was the blue eyes or long black hair or the sence of humor or what, but he knew that he had to have Kriss. Not for a night, not for a day or even for a week. He wanted her for a lifetime.

Kate toke her bags out of the car and I wanted to do the same, but Kate stopped me.
"Trust me darling, you don't need to take them out. You won't be sleeping here."
"And where will I be sleeping then?" I asked, but I kinda knew the answer.
"At my place," Brendon said with the biggest smile ever.
"What? Why?" I asked Kate.
"Because I wanna be alone with Ryan. I'll tell you it when we are inside."

With those words from Kate, we walked inside. Ryan's house was really cool. I liked it. Inside Ryan was waiting in the living room with Spencer. When Ryan saw Kate, he stood up, walked over and kissed her passionatly on the lips. Get a room, Spencer said while Brendon came up behind me and spanked me. Ok, I wanna know the whole story and I wanna know it now. I sat on a chair next to Brendon, because there wasn't anywhere else to sit. The night went passed really fast. We all lauged and talked. Well the others did, I just sat there, looking at Brendon. I couldn't believe that one of the guys I have always wanted to talk to and be with, was sitting next to me and I just sat there. When the time was half past twelve, Brendon said that we should be going.

The drive to Brendon place wasn't long, seeing as he lives like ten minutes from Ryan's place. When we arrived, he said wait. So I waited while I wondered what was he doing. I was suprised when he came and opened my door and helped me out of the car. He was acting like a gentelman. I saw a side of him that I never thought he had to be honest with you. He toke my bags and we went into his flat. When we got in the first question I asked was where I was going to sleep. He showed me the way to his bedroom.

"You'll be sleeping here, where the magic happens," he said when he was opening the door.
"And where are you going to sleep?"
"Well I was planning to sleep in the single bed in the second bedroom, but you know...this is a kingsized bed, maybe we can fit on it together?" he asked with hope in his voice.
"I'm ok with that, but there are two rules.?
"What are the rules?"
"You ain't gonna sleep naked and we ain't going to sleep under the same cover."
"I'm ok with the first rule, but you know the second one...I promise I won't try anything, I mean, I know where the line is to flirt and seduce a woman in a relationship with another."

As he had said it, I could tell it was over between me and Ragnar. I mean, I love him still, but not as much as I loved when we started dating. I knew this, because I was falling in love with someone else, with someone I was going to sleep next to two weeks. I went into the bedroom and in twenty minutes, we were both under the cover, but we both couldn't sleep.