Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

That Was All, Please Tell Me It Was

*in the morning of the wedding day*
I couldn't sleep. I was so nervous. What if Brendon gets cold feet? What if I get cold feet? What if someone says we shouldn't get married? Damn, I was freaking out and what was about to happen next, wasn't really helping me. It was seven hours before the wedding was going to start, when there was a knock on the door. It was Justin.

"Hey Justin, what are you doing here?"
"Just came to see you. And what I'm missing out on."
"What did you say?"
"I know that it's too late to do something about this, but I have to get something off my heart."
"Ok, go on."
"When I saw you, I thoughed another stupid, but pretty model. But I got to know you and I'm happy that we're friends. But I wanted something more and I have wanted it since the motel night. I was stupid that i didn't do anything then. I still kick myself because of that. I thoughed I had a change with you, but I missed it. Brendon is getting himself a great girl. He is so lucky. I'm happy for you and know that whatever you need and whenever you need, I'm just a call away," Justin said and kissed my forehead. Then he left.

I was left shocked. Justin had feelings for me? I shoke my head and thoughed about other things. I wasn't thinking that i'd hear something like that, from him at least, on my wedding day. But then there was another knock on the door. This time it was Fernando.

"I always imagen, that it will be me at the altar, not Brendon."
"You knew that this could have happened sooner or later."
"Yes, but I'm so sad that I promised what I promised to you."
"What do you mean?"
"Kristel, don't you see it? I still love you."
"Please don't, it's my wedding day. Why are you telling me this now?"
"I know it is. I just had to get that off my heart. I hope you will have a good life with Brendon. You two are good together. But if you need me, I'm a call away," Fernando said and kissed my cheek.

When he had left, I was more shocked that I have ever been before. Fernando still loved me? I couldn't handle this. First Justin, then Fernando. Who next? Because all things come in three. There was a knock. It was Ragnar.

"So, how is the pride feeling?"
"Please don't tell me you still love me."
"I will always love you."
"You too."
"What happened?"
"Firstly Justin came here and said that he had feelings for me. Then Fernando came and said that he still loves me. And now you. Is this a sign that I shouldn't marry Brendon? Cause if it is, it should've had come sooner."
"You have to marry Brendon. The things between you haven't been great, but they have made your relationship stronger. You two are so good together. He finally had the wit to ask you to marry him. It toke him some time, but he knows that you two are for one another. He also knows other guys have feeling for you. He can't blame them. I fell so deep in love with you, that breaking up with you was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. So I understand why Justin and Fernando had to tell you that they love you. They could have picked a better time, but they said it so they would feel better and so you'd understood how much Brendon loves you. Brendon loves you more than my, Justin's and Fernando's love put together. Are you getting what I'm saying?"
"So yeah, take it as a sign. Take it as a sign that you have to marry him. Take it as a sign that your future is with Brendon."

Ragnar left. His speech was weird and confused me, but then it hit me. I love those three guys, but not as much as I love Brendon. Brendon is my future and Ragnar made me see it. And so did Justin and Fernando. In a weird way, but they did it. I didn't feel nervous anymore. I was happy. And I knew that Brendon will be happy too if I tell him a news I had found out a day before.