Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

I Do And I Will For The End Of Time And Over It If

It was two in the afternoon and the wedding was to start, but I was nowhere to find. Ryan went to look for me and found me in the garden what was behind a little church I was going to marry with Brendon.

"You are making Brendon lose his mind, if you are going to make him wait," Ryan said.
"Sorry, I was just thinking about thing," I said and turned to him.
"What things?"
"About how I want to be married there," I said and pointed to the lake.
"You wanna change the place of the wedding?"
"Yes, but it's to late, isn't it?"
"No it isn't."

He couldn't finish his sentence, because Brendon chimed in.

"It's bad luck, if you see the bride before the wedding."
"We have had the fair amount of bad luck. There isn't anymore bad luck for us."
"So you think we can have the wedding by the lake?"

So, the wedding didn't go as Kate planned. The wedding was moved next to the lake. It was beautiful. Ragnar gave me away. Kate, Mairi and Maarja had tears already in their eyes. Jon, Ryan and Spencer hold back their tears, but their eyes were all wet. It was time for our vows. Brendon went first.

"I found you, but I lost you. I found you again, but I managed to lose you again. I didn't want to fall so deep in love with you, but I couldn't help but to fall deeper by the minute. It might have been your blue eyes, it might have been your black hair, it might have been the way you laugh, it might have been just faith. Whatever it was, I'm glad that I found the girl for the rest of my life in you. You complete me in a way nobody has ever done before. I need you day after day after day. I want you night after night after night. I need and want you in my life until the end. I loved you, I love you and I will always love you."

Then it was my turn.

"I remember the first time I saw you. I couldn't believe that we could be more than just friends. I didn't believe you'd be the man who gives me two the most beautiful and wonderful kids in the world. I dreamed of this day and that I would have it with you, but I didn't believe that dreams come true. Now I know they do. I'm glad to have you in my life and I wouldn't change anything that has happened with us, because that has made us stronger and made us last in everything. I love you and nobody will ever change that."

I couldn't hold my tears back and started to cry, but Brendon wiped those tears away. The girls were crying harder now and the guys were letting their tears show. After being called husband and wife, we kissed. Everybody cheered for mister and missis Urie. Things were going up the hill and on full speed that is.