Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

Was That The Sound Of My Heart Being Given To You

I couldn't sleep and I looked over at Brendon. It looked like he was sleeping. I slowly went out of the room, into the living room, where I saw a laptop. It was on, so I thought I'd go and sing in to MSN, maybe someone was up and talking. Of course someone is, it's the afternoon there. So I signed in. I lighted up when I saw Mairi online.

Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
Mairi(L) says:
Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
what are you doing??
Mairi(L) says:
Shouldn't I be asking that....anyway,I'm at home,you ain't gonna believe what has happened and
what I heard..
Mairi(L) says:
Olle has started dating Triin,I saw them in the mall yesterday...oh and Velts is still in love with you
Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
he is dating what??what the hell has happened to his taste:P
Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
I knew he was going to say it someday,but now it's kinda late,you know what I mean
Mairi(L) says:
He hits himself that he didn't do it sooner actually
Mairi(L) says:
Now tell is Las Vegas?
Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
you will never believe with whom I'm going to sleep in the same bed with for this two weeks
Mairi(L) says:
Who?Do I know him?
Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
well kinda...I mean if you know who is my biggest singer crush in the whole white world
Mairi(L) says:
NOOOOOO WAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You lucky bitch:D
Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
yeah I know what you mean:)hope something will happen*crosses her fingers*
Mairi(L) says:
Me hopes that too,because I think you'd two make a great couple:)
Mairi(L) says:
But please,I don't want to become an aunt yet:P

"You know how annoying it is when you are tapping away on the computer," Brendon said before kissing my neck.
"Sorry if I woke you up, I just couldn't sleep. I'm gonna finish here and then we can go to bed," I said while secretly wishing for more kisses.
"A girl who likes to get to the point, that's what I love. I'll be waiting you," he said and went back to bed. Damn how hot he was in his boxers.

Mairi(L) says:
Where did you go??
Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
I'm right here,I was just talking with Brendon
Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
I should be going to bed now,it's like two AM here and I'm very sleepy
Mairi(L) says:
I think you want to go to bed,because you have a hunk in the bed to be your teddybear;)
Mairi(L) says:
And please,don't be silly,wrap his willy:P
Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
stop it...we aren't going to do anything(A)
Mairi(L) says:
So they all say and then nine months later a baby is born:D
Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
I'll be talking to you about this tomorrow or when I get online
Krissu. Viva Las Vegas says:
Good bye now(K)
Mairi(L) says:
Tomorrow,because I want to know every little single dirty detail...good bye and have a good time
Mairi(L) says:

As I signed off, a part of me wanted something to happen, but a part of me wanted something more. A serious relationship with him. What was I thinking? I could have him for fun two weeks, but a serious relationship with him? Who am I kidding? It would never work. What I didn't know, Brendon was secretly hoping that there would be something more between us than just fun for two weeks. When I got under the cover, he kissed me good night on my forehead. Was this a beginning of something beautiful?