Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

Take Back Everything You Said, Did You Even Mean I

I got an earlier flight to Las Vegas. I arrived at Brendon's place and when I walked in Mairi, Kate, Ryan and Jon were sitting in the living room. Their faces were sad and I didn't understand anything.

"Hi guys."
"Glad you're here, we need to talk," Kate said.
"About you and Brendon," Mairi said.
"What about us?"
"He hasn't changed a bit and I thoughed he would after..." Ryan said.
"You should leave him," Jon added.
"Ok, what the fuck are you four talking about?"
"We're talking about what Brendon did," Kate said
"What did he do?"
"Yeah, what did I do?" Brendon asked.
"We should go guys and leave them to work things out," Mairi said and gave me a magazine.
"Take care," Ryan said and we were left alone with Brendon.
"What was that about?" Brendon said and came to me.
"Take your hands off me!"
"What did I do?"

I gave him the magazine as I walked pass him. But I was stopped by his hand taking mine. I turned and looked at his eyes. The look in his eyes said that he was sorry. My head said that forgive him and live happily ever after, but my heart said that this wasn't his first time and it won't be his last one. I knew that I couldn't be with Brendon tonight. I knew with whom I was going to spend it with.

"It didn't mean anything," Brendon said, still holding my hand.
"I could've forgiven you if it would be someone I didn't know, but this time, you have crossed the line."
"Where are you going?"
"To see Spencer. You might not care about him, but I do."
"I care about him, he is one of my closest friends."
"And then you go and do it with his wife. Sorry, but friends don't do that to each other. What would you feel if I'd sleep with Spencer or Ryan or Jon?"
"I would like to kill them."
"Then you knew what Spencer was going to feel, but you just went ahead with it. With his wife and my,well now my ex-best friend."
"It just happened. I'm sorry. Please stay."
"No Brendon, I can't be with you tonight. Say I didn't make it on a flight today to the kids and that I'll be here in the morning."
"Where are you going to sleep?"
"At Spencer's."
"Oh no you aren't."
"Yes I am."
"Why not?"
"You're gonna sleep with him."
"So what if I'm going to have sex with him. You can have sex with anyone you like and I can't. Babe, I do what I want and you ain't gonna stop me. Here are the playboy shoot pictures. Have fun with them, cause you ain't seeing that in reality for a long time from now. maybe even never."

As I had said that, I went. I closed the door and got into Brendon's car. Brendon looked me drive off and the sat onto the sofa. He still had the envelope that I had given him in his hand, so he opened it. He looked at the pictures. They were to much for him. He couldn't handle the idea that guys can see these pictures of me. He was jealous. He understood how lucky he was that he was married to Kristel, but also understood how stupid he really is. Cheating on his wife on the first week of marriage with her best friend. He was worried about what could happen at Spencer's place. It was a ten minute walk, so he ran. When he got there, he was worried about the sight he saw.