Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

We Never Stood A Change And I'm Not Sure If It Eve

There were police there and the parametics just drove away. Brendon saw Spencer leaning on the door and Maarja was crying on the ground infront of the door. Brendon walked up to them.

"What happened?" Brendon asked.
"," Maarja couldn't really speak.
"Don't talk babe, it was an accident," Spencer said and hugged her.
"Where's Kristel?" Brendon asked.
"They toke her to the hospital," Spencer said.
"What? Why?" Brendon asked Spencer who send Maarja to the house.
"It was an accident. Kristel came over and we were having a fight with Maarja on the stairs. Kristel came to break us up, but Maarja kinda...well she didn't mean it, you have to believe that...pushed Kristel and Kristel fell down from the stairs. So we called 911 and they toke her to the hospital. Want me to drive you to the hospital?" Spencer said.
"Yeah mate, thanks."

The drove to the hospital seemed really long. Brendon and Spencer didn't say a word to one another. But Brendon broke the silence because he just couldn't handle Spencer being mad at him.

"Sorry," he almost whispered.
"Why?" Spencer asked in suprised voice.
"Because I slept with Maarja. But you have to believe me, we both didn't want that to happen."
"But you still did it?"
"I know, it was the biggest mistake ever."
"Damn right about that."
"If that would have never happened, Kristel would have never come to your house and...omg"
"We haven't told anybody about this, but Kristel is pregnant."
"Maarja is pregnant too."
"Really? When did you found out about it?"
"Just before you came."
"Bad time for a baby. Seeing as you two are going to have a divorce."
"No we aren't. I love her and we have to work our problems out."
"She's lucky to have you."
"Yeah she is. Even if I had to learn how to love her."
"What you mean by that?"
"I know that this is a bad time to say this, but I was completly in love with Kristel. And I kinda still am in a way. But after the wedding, I understood that you two were made from each other."
"We might be, but she'd been happier with you. You would never cheat on her or do the things I did to hurt her."
"She's happy with you. She called me and told me that she has never been happier. You're a lucky man."

After Spencer had said that, we pulled in front of the hospital. Brendon knew that he was lucky, but he is so stupid that he can't keep that happiness. They walked inside and asked where they could find Kristel, but before they got their answer, they saw Ryan, Kate, Jon, Mairi and Maarja all crying.