Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

Can't Fight The Moonlight And Can't Fight The Feel

"What happened?" Brendon asked and Ryan looked up.
"She's in there, they won't let us in cause we ain't family," Ryan said and looked down again.

Brendon walked in and saw a doctor there.

"Sorry, only family aloud."
"I'm her husband."
"Then you are welcomed to stay."
"How is she?"
"She's going to be ok, but I'm sorry to tell you that she lost the baby."

With that the doctor was gone. Brendon sat next to my bed and just looked at me. I was waking up.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"
"Thank god that you're alive."
"I feel like hell...hey why are you crying?"
"Cause I'm happy that you're gonna be ok and cause I'm sad that I'll lose you and..."
"You ain't losing me. Do you really think that I'm this easy to get rid off?"
"You aren't divorcing me?"
"We have been married only a week and I want to sort our problems out because I love you."
"What else are you sad about?"
"It's about the baby."
"What about the baby?"
"You lost the baby."
"What did you just say?"
"I'm sorry."
"No, this isn't happening."
"Come here," Brendon hugged me when I started to cry.

I got home the next day. The kids were at Brendon's parents place, so I'd have some time alone. I still wasn't over the fact that I had lost a baby. I was sitting on the living room sofa when Brendon came and sat next to me with a big ice-cream bowl in his hands. He watched the TV and started eating the ice-cream. I looked at him and after awhile he looked at me.

"It's not nice to stare, you know?"
"I'm just wondering...where's mine?"
"You have something I want."
"You can't have it."
"Why not?"
"Because you are a girl and if you'd have one, I wouldn't love you."
"So what you are telling me is that if I'd have a bowl of ice-cream, you wouldn't love me."
"What? Oh I was thinking about something other."
"I worry about you sometimes."
"I worry myself too."
"So, am I gonna get it myself or are you going to move that nice ass of yours?"
"I'd like to see your little cute ass move, if I could."
"So I'm not going to get the ice-cream?"
"Ok, I'll go."
"Wait, I'll set myself in a better position to see that ass."

And so Brendon walked to the kitchen and I just loved the sight I saw. The bottom of his is just....I can't find words to say.