Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

I Ended Up Here Because My Heart Wants It This Way

It has been a month now. I have been with Ragnar all the way. Seeing as Kats really couldn't take care of him, I wanted to help. It was Ragnar, my second serious relationship and the first guy I made love with. I actually had loved him a long time before we got together and the way we got together, I have Mairi to thank for that one. I was making breakfast when Ragnar came into the kitchen. The injury wasn't as serious as the doctor thoughed. Ragnar was moving on his own now, but still I wanted to stay and help him. As I served pancakes, his face went bright with that smile of his.

"I can't believe, I'm having YOUR pancakes for breakfast."
"Yeah, it has been a while since you last had them."
"Almost five years now."
"Where has the time gone?"
"Don't know."
"Remember what we usually did after you made pancakes when we lived in the Netherlands?"
" had to bring that up?"
"Well of course. I still have those pictures somewhere."
"I know, when you were in the hospital and I was getting bored here, I started looking at the photo albums and then found our..."
" album."
"Yes, that's the one."
"God, I miss those days."
"Things have changed."
"But you're happy, that's all that matters."
"Well yes I am and then again..."
"What's the matter Kristel? Are you two having problems?"
"No, our relationship has been great after I lost the baby. I guess we are making up for the time we should have been flirting. It is really nice. But there is something."
"I'm getting feeling for someone else. I guess I have always had feeling for him."
"Who is it?"
"It's you Ragnar."

We looked at each other. Then he stood up, came to me and wrapped his arms around me. We were inches away from each other. This made my heart beat faster and slower at the same time.

"I love you too. But we have missed that train. I ruined it for us. And you will always feel something for me as I feel something for you."
"Yes Brendon."
"Do you know what you just did?"
"You called me Brendon."
"I did?"
"Yes. You know what that means?"
"No, what?"
"That means even if you say you love me, you love Brendon more."
"I'm so lucky to have you."
"Well I have a good way to make people see the reality."
"I should call Brendon. No. I should AIM him."
"You do that. I'm gonna go out."
"With who?"
"With some of the guys."
"Ok, be careful."
"Of course. Oh, I forgot, we are having a party tonight."
"What party?"
"Where have you been? We are going to the World Cup."
"Oh right, I was here when you won Germany. How could I forget that?"
"I don't know. Listen I'm going now. Bye."

Damn, I'm lucky that if I have something confusing me, Ragnar makes me come to me sense. Damn, he is good.