Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

I Love You Just The Way You Are

Logging onto AIM, I saw all the Panic guys online. This will be fun.

chryzzux: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys!
lyricsnme: why did I just read hey gays?
luv4sticks: cause u are?!?!?!?
lurkerjon: not nice
xhotxbdenx: darlingggggggggggg *kisses*
chryzzux: *kisses harder*
xhotxbdenx: *kisses and moves hands*
lurkerjon: EWWWW.....WE ARE HERE TOO YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!
luv4sticks: yes we are but they don't care...they wanna make a baby on the net
chryzzux: what??
lyricsnme: that was good...really,that made me laugh
lurkerjon: did you just smile?
lyricsnme: yeah
lurkerjon: nice(:
chryzzux: I have been away for a month and you two are hooking up?
chryzzux: Guys,that's sick.What do Kate and Mairi think of this?
luv4sticks: lmfao...Krissu,we are missing u...when are you coming back?
chryzzux: Well,I'm thinking that tomorrow,so I can spend a week in Las Vegas before LA
lyricsnme: LA? what for?
chryzzux: For a movie...haven't I told you guys? I'm playing in it with Josh Duhamel
lurkerjon: is your husband good with that?
xhotxbdenx: WHAT? way
chryzzux: What?
lyricsnme: just tell me that we don't have to go to LA to work on the album
luv4sticks: yes,please tell us that we don't have to
lurkerjon: well...i don't care
xhotxbden: Kristel, I'm gonna have a talk with you when you get back home.
chryzzux: Now that he is gone...WTF was that?
luv4sticks: he is a little jealous lately
lurkerjon: seeing as you are with your ex and you have been with him for a month
lyricsnme: and you can't blame him for being a little jealous
chryzzux: I have to go now...I have to get ready
lurkerjon: why?
chryzzux: Going out to party with the Estonia national soccer team
chryzzux: World Cup and we are playing in it
luv4sticks: we aren't going to tell about this to brendon
chryzzux: Thanks
lyricsnme: but don't do anything i wouldn't do
chryzzux: in other everything
lyricsnme: KRISTEL!!!
chryzzux: Yes George Ryan Ross III
luv4sticks: KRISTEL!!!
chryzzux: Yes Spencer James Smith V
lurkerjon: KRISTEL!!!
chryzzux: Yes Jonathan Jacob Walker
lyricsnme: damn,why don't you have a middle name?
luv4sticks: yes,it's just so unfair
lurkerjon: guys,let's get together to cry
chryzzux: Guys,you are just so lame
lurkerjon: but cute?
luv4sticks: and hot?
lyricsnme: and so good?
chryzzux: See ya all tomorrow...bye

I logged off. Damn those guys. But what was Brendon's problem. Yes, I didn't tell him about Josh, but still. Josh and I have been friends for like a year now and he is engaged to Fergie. And I have to admit he is hot, but I'm married and he has Fergie, who is one of my friends. I love Brendon Boyd Urie, but his jealousy made me crazy. But I couldn't hold that againts him, cause I was the same. A starsign thing I guess. But I thoughed about taking a bath. So I started to undress when my phone started to ring. It was Justin. What the hell did he want?

"Yes, it's..." I was cut off.
"Are you in Las Vegas?"
"I'll be tomorrow."
"Nice, then you'll in my video next week."

The line went dead. What the hell? What was that about? What was anything about?