Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

It's A New Beginning And You Can't Be Jealous

The next day, I went to see Justin. We were doing a music video for his new video and I had a big suprise when I heard that Panic boys will be in it aswell. I didn't want to see Brendon. Thank god, he wasn't here yet. The director went over the plot with me. I was playing Justin's love intrest and the Panic boys were playing jealous ex-boyfriends who were in the way of a perfect love story. Nice plot, I thought to myself. I went and got my make up done. Then it was the time to get dressed. I looked at the mirror and I looked hot. When I walked out to the set, I saw Brendon there. He looked at me and started to walk to me, but the director wanted me. The first day went well, but the second was even better. I had a huge makeout session with Justin, almost half the day went under the makeout scene. After the last kiss, Brendon couldn't handle it and toke me by my hand and we went somewhere where we were alone.

"What the fuck do you want?"
"Kristel, we need to talk."
"There's nothing to talk about."
"Yes, there is. I know you saw that I was intimate with Ann..."
"Intimate? You were fucking her in our bed."
"Me and Ann are fuck-buddies."
"You have a fuck-buddy?"
"And I felt bad that I still love Ragnar."
"You heard me, I still love Ragnar. And after this, I'm starting to think that I made the wrong choise."
"You don't mean that."
"I love you Brendon, but I also love Ragnar and I'm seriously thinking about moving in with him now."
"You can't just leave me for some guy."
"Not just some guy. For a guy who I know loves me too."
"I love you also."
"I know and I see it, but sometimes I just feel you aren't serious enough about us."
"But you know I am. I love you, I have a family with you. I wouldn't have married you if I didn't love you."
"Yet then you go and sleep with my best friend and you have a fuck-buddy. If I'd known you have a fuck-buddy, I would have fucked Ragnar and not even feel bad. Enjoing it actually."
"You don't mean that."
"You knwo what. I have an idea. I'm gonna move in with you again with the kid, but I'm staying in the guestroom and we start working our relationship up again. But this is your last change. If I find out that you are cheating on me, you will have a divorce on your record."
"I'm ok with that idea."
"Fine. I'll guess we are coming back to the house then. We'll be back home about seven."

With that I left. If Brendon wanted to play this game, I'm gonna play it. And he will lose in his own game. He will be sorry that he did what he did. I know I seem to be a real sweetheart, but I could be a bitch if needed. And this situation needed it. If Mairi would know what I was going to do, she's be very sorry for Brendon, but she would understand. She's the only one who would. And so would Jon.

The next day I woke up in the bedroom. Brendon wanted me to have the bedroom and he moved into the guestroom. I went downstairs to see Brendon in the kitchen with the children. They were having pancakes, the only thing Brendon can make.

"Mommy," Kristopher and Elisabeth both ran to me.
"How are my two beautiful children doing?"
"We are fine," Kristopher said and they went back to eat their breakfast.
"Want some?" Brendon asked me.
"Yes please."
"You want strawberry jam?"

We sat around the table and we acted like a family what we were. Brendon had changed in a way. Couldn't really out my finger on it.