Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

Is It To Hard To Understand That A Man Needs A Wom

In the evening I got ready to go out with Justin. He asked me out to dinner and as he is a good friend, why not. As I started to get ready, I looked at my ring. I remembered the wedding day so well. Justin didn't say that he loves me or he likes me, but he said that he had feelings for me. That's the same. Isn't it? As I walked downstairs I saw Ryan playing with the kids. I was about to go and talk with him, but Brendon held me back.

"Don't go," Brendon said, having his hands still around my waist.
"Why not?"
"He had a huge fight with Kate tonight and he is staying here for few days. So I have to move back into the bedroom. Don't worry, I'm gonna sleep on the floor and stuff, but we have to act as a happy couple. Don't want him to worry about us."
"I won't might you coming back. And I'd like you to sleep in the bed with me. It got a little to cold last night."
"But you know what happens when we sleep in the same bed?"
"I don't care. I love you and I'm forgiving you this time, but it's the last change you will get."
"I'm gonna go now."
"Do you have to?"
"Yeah. Besides, Ryan need some guy company. Call Spencer and Jon here and drink beer and talk and do guys stuff. But remember, there are little kids in the house."

With that, I jumped in my red BMW and drove to meet Justin. As I arrived to the resturant, I saw him waiting me. I got out of the car and walked over.

"Why are waiting me here?"
"Well a little change of plans. We are going to a party."
"Who's party?"
"The Killers party."
"Oh cool. I love those guys."
"Yeah I know. Trust me I remember."

And so we went there. It was packed with famous people. As I sat there talking with Nelly Furtado, I saw a man walking to me. As he got closer, I regonized him. It was Adam, Adam from Maroon 5. Loved their music, but I hated this guy. He sat next to me and we started talking. Yeah I hate the guy, but it's so good to talk to him. Hours later and about five vodkas later, me and Adam were getting closer. I stopped myself when he was about to kiss me. He toke my hand and he lead me to a room. It was a small dark room. He started kissing my neck. We ended up having a quicky on the floor. After that, he left, leaving me there. I got dressed and felt so bad. I found Justin and said that I wanted to go. He didn't understand why I wanted to go, but when we were driving back to his hotel I started to cry and asked her to drop me off at Kate's place. So he did. I ran up to the door and knocked on it. She opened and I hugged her while I was crying. Damn, I felt dirty. I asked her if I could use the shower and she said that it was fine. After an hour long shower, I went downstairs and told her everything, after what i started to cry again. She held me and said that it wasn't my fault. Why was it so hard to believe her? Damn, I'm just as Brendon is. I'm a slut. Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into.

Meanwhile, the boys were playing guitar hero and having a good time. After the last Ryan win, they sat around the table and started talking. They talked about everything and then Brendon dropped a bomb on them. A big one at that.