Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

When It All Goes To Hell Would You Be Able To Tell

A week had past and it was my birthday today. 19th birthday and I get to see my "sort of a boyfriend" perform live. Me and Brendon have been dating a week, but we agreed that we won't tell anybody before it felt all right. I was happy, he made me happy. But there was a bomb ticking and I was the only one who didn't know it.

The boys were half done with there show. I really loved it. When it had ended. Brendon came to me and kissed me on the lips. I will never get used to his great kissing skills. But out of the blue, he ran to a blonde girl. I was left stunned and when he kissed her, I could feel my heart breaking. As we all went to Ryan's place to celebrate a good show, I was still feeling kinda shocked by Brendon's way he acted. At the party, I was just air for Brendon and that was when I made the decision to leave. I found Kate and told her I have to leave. She asked me why and all I could do was look at Brendon.

I got to Brendon's flat when I remembered he had the keys. I called Kate so she could ask Ryan to bring me the keys. Kate didn't understand, but said she will do it. After sitting in the cold night, a car finally pulled up. I looked down at the ground and when I looked up, it wasn't Ryan I saw. It was Brendon looking at me.

"What's going on?" he asked me.
"Can I just get in to your flat? Please?"
"Only if you promise to tell me what's going on."
"Yeah whatever."
"Why are you acting like this?" he asked when he had opened the door.
"Cause I'm leaving this place and for good," I yelled from the bedroom that had given me good memories this past week.
"I don't understand anything. Could you just stop this and look at me and tell me what was going on?" he said when he toke my hand and forced me to look at him.
"I don't understand why are you standing here, talking to me. I was air for you like two hours ago."
"Oh I's about Laura. Look the thing is that she is my girlfriend..."
"No shit. I kinda figured that out all on my own, Thank you very much."
"Let me finish. I don't love her anymore, I love you, I just haven't gotten the change to break up with her."
"I really don't care. I'm gonna get a cab, go to the airport and fly away from your life for good."
"Please don't leave like this."
"I don' have anything else to do."
"Yes you do, stay with me."
"I'm sorry, I'm gonna go now. Oh and thanks for your birthday present. I'll keep it close to my heart that I don't have anymore."

And with that I walked out of the flat. I got a cab and drove to the airport. I didn't want to see Brendon never again. Yes I love him, but what he did was just so damn wrong, that forgiving him isn't really something I would think off at the moment. I text Kate to say that I was going back home for couple of months and that I'd talk to her on MSN when she's online sometime and tell her the story. After sending that text, I turned it off and looked out of the window. I could feel that my heart was left behind when the plane toke off.