Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

I Have Something That's His And It's Getting Bigge

*month and half later*
Me and my friend Mairi were looking a stick. One line, was what we both were hoping for. If it was two, my life would be turned upside down and inside out. After waiting for five minutes, I couldn't go and look what the stick said. Mairi said, she will do it and she did. She's the greatest friend to have and when she came back, her eyes told me the whole story in a second.

"Two lines, isn't it?" I asked her when I stood up and looked out the window.
"Yeah. So...he is the father, isn't he?" she asked me while she started to hug me.
"It's him, it's Brendon."
"So are you going to tell him?"
"Like how am I going to do that? I don't have any way to get in contact with him and I don't want to mess up his life with that blonde girl...what her name...Laura."
"He has the right to know."
"He will find it out sooner or later. If it's not going to be me telling him, I'm sure Kate is going to tell Ryan who will give him the news."
"When are you going back to London?"
"In three months."
"You'll be big by then."
"No shit."
"I told you...don't be silly, wrap his willy."
"I love you, but it's no time for joking Mairi."
"I'm not just Mairi anymore. I'm aunt Mairi now."
"Oh I'm sorry. It's no time for joking aunt Mairi. You know that actually sound good."
"I know, I'm gonna be a aunt. This is going to be so cool."
"Yeah, I have a babysitter all ready and the baby hasn't been born yet."
"Hahahaa, very funny."
"You know I am."
"So what you wanna do to night?"
"Girls night? Just the two of us?"
"Sounds like a plan to me."

Thank god I had Mairi next to me. She made the sun come out always. She knew how to make me happy just by saying one word. She's great and I'm lucky to have her. She stayed over that night. We had ice-cream and watched one of our favorite movie - Da Vinci Code. As we both had read the book, we knew what was going on and we both loved it. After the movie had finished, we talked and talked about boys and stuff. She made me laugh and made me see that this isn't a bad thing. I was going to have a baby. Yes with a guy who I'm never going to have beside me and who isn't going to be a father to this baby, but I was having a baby which I had dreamed of since I don't know when.