Status: Completed.

It Was Just Another Day...But You Had to Come Into My Life

Better Off As Lovers So Why Are We Still Friends

I woke up to somebody playing with my hair. I opened my eyes and saw two, the most beautiful eyes, looking at me. Brendon was just so cute when he had just woken up. His perfect hair was in a mess, but that made him even sexier than he was.

"I have something to tell you," Brendon said while looking at me.
"This isn't going to be good news, is it?" I said while getting out of bed.
"I'm engaged with Laura," Brendon said.
"Well that's good news, I'm glad for you."
"Kriss, I don't wanna marry her. I want you, I love you."
"You had Laura before me, so just go and be happy and make little Brendon's," was all I managed to say before I ran into the bathroom and started to cry.

I couldn't believe this mess. Why the hell he had to creep into my heart and make me love him? I went and toke bath. A hour later when I came out, the boys were gone. Kate was still sleeping, guess she had a hard night. I walked into my room and closed the door behind me slowly. When I sat on my bed a saw a letter on my pillow. It was from Brendon.

Dear Kristel,
I love you and you know that I do. The thing with Laura...I don't love her and I actually hate her because she has cheated on me so many times. I guess I'm gonna just dump her, cause she's the only thing keeping me from true happiness. I got your number from Kate, so I'm gonna call you tonight.
With love, Brendon.

I read the letter and didn't know what to think. He was breaking up with Laura, because of me. What was going to happen next? It's not like we can be together. Panic! is going on a world tour for like a year and she couldn't go with him. How did I get myself into this, I thought when I laid down on my bed. This was the first time I felt the baby kick. A soccer star on the way, I thought and fell in sleep.

I woke up to a sound of Brendon singing "Maneater". I didn't understand anything until I looked at my phone. It was Brendon. I have his number? And what's with the tone? Oh what the hell is going on?

"Hello?" I answered the phone.
"Did I wake you?" the sexiest voice asked me.
"Well I was having a nap."
"Sorry babe, so can I come over? Let me come over. I don't want you to be alone tonight."
"How the hell am I..."
"Because Kate is sleeping at Ryan's hotel room. So want some company?"
"If your single, why not?" why did I say that I don't know.
"I'll be there in five."

This was my last night with Brendon before he had to go on the world tour. The next time I'd be seeing him, I wasn't going to be alone smiling at him.