Status: Chapter 9 is in the works, sorry its taking TEN MILLION FREAKING YEARS.

Don't Forget, We've Got Unfinished Business

Lets Skip A Few Years Shall We?

After my parents divorced I was kind of shocked, I mean I've never heard them yell at each other nor avoid each other they were just so lovey dovey all the time, then something like this happens Jon took it better though he didn't cry all night like I did, we moved into an apartment since my mom was only a vet and did that woman love animals. Too bad we couldn't have a dog... Stupid Jonathan and his allergy's.

But you know what they say, there's always a silver lining to something I think thats how it goes I'm not really good at those quotes or sayings...
So my mom got transferred back to Maryland! Can you believe it?! I'm stoked, I can't wait to see how Jack looks I don't have any connections to him since they moved houses, he never replies to my letters so I just assume and I never gave him my address, he didn't have an e-mail at the time so... Yeah.

"HEY!" Someone yelled behind me snapping me out of my daydreams, my friend since the first day i came here Hayden Conway she loves A Skylit Drive, Bring Me The Horizon and that kind of music and absolutely despises the cheerleaders at this school if you say the phrase "Ready?! Okay!!" You get a punch right in the diaphragm I can't say it doesn't hurt. Believe me, I've said it right to her face and she kneed me smack dab in the stomach.

"What do you like?" I said in the tone of that song Whatever you like by whatshisface

"Nothing.." Then the bell rang ahh yes time to go home FREEDOM! "Do you wanna go swimming at my house later? We need to bond as much as we can before you leave for Maryland tomorrow time goes by so fast, I mean it was just yesterday you were this new girl in town who was clueless to how everything goes here." She said as we were walking through the halls

"Hey thanks again for that." I said while opening my locker

"For what?" she replied

"For being my friend, When everybody thought I was a loser.." I said as I put all of my school stuff in my locker

"No problem, and you weren't a loosar in my opinion, Hey its lucky we haven't run into Allana today!" She said very very happily by the way loosar is how Allana says it shes one of those girls who talk like this 'Liek, OH EM GEEZ' you get it, Just as we were about to leave our lockers speak of the devil and he/she shall appear.

"So Morgan I hear your leaving to join the circus?" She said while looking at her perfectly manicured nails, usually in these situations I just walk away since Hayden isn't really the fighting type but its not wrong to have a little fun.

"Listen you b with an itch, I have had enough of your pea brain insults and I see you have a problem remembering my name since like I said your brain is the size of a pea, It's Megan" And after that, I grabbed Hayden's arm and walked out of the school. I swear when I turned around her jaw was touching the floor.

I dropped Hayden off at her house before I went back to mine to change clothes and get my bathing suit then shoved it all into my bag and made my way to Panettiere's house, I called her that cause her name reminded me of that girl in Heroes.

"Oh, Hey Mar!" Her little brother Kevin answered the door he called me Mar cause of my initials which is Megan Addison Reese, clever boy ain't he?

"Hey Kevster!, Where's Hayden?" I asked as I entered their house

"She's at the pool already, she told me that you could go up to her room and change once you got here." He replied while scavenging through my bag

"Uhh, Kevin what are you doing rummaging through my bag?" I asked him looking confused

"Nothing, just checking if you have any candy that I can steal.." He said while putting everything back in

"Okay, kiddo whatever you say.." I said

"Sure, You can go upstairs now." He insisted while making his way to the living room I could see he was watching....The Little Mermaid?! He's a 9 year old boy, shouldn't he be watching stuff like.. Pokemon? I thought to myself. Oh well, I would've watched with him but I had other stuff to do.

After I got done changing into my bathing suit and removing all the accessories from my hair and clearing out my make-up I went to the pool and to my surprise Hayden wasn't in there.

"Hayden?," I said as I walked around the pool "Oh Panettiere..." I said then all of a sudden I felt cold water all over my body some one had pushed me into the pool, and I didn't get a chance to hold my breathe so when I emerged out of the pool, I was coughing all over the place like a mad man and screamed "MY EYES!!, IT BURNSS!!" While Hayden was laughing it up near the trampoline about 3 feet from the pool on my right.

"Oh no you did not just push me into the pool!" I yelled as I ran towards her at full speed then tackled her into the pool, I did a pretty good job considering I was half blind due to how much water with chlorine was in my eyes.

"Okay, okay! I'm-" I cut her off by pushing her head down under the water "SORRY!!" She said as I let go of her.

"Hah, that will teach you!" I said as I retreated to the steps to sit on them

"Yeah, it did," She said while swimming to me "But you didn't have to drown me ya know?!" She yelled as she slapped the side of my head then we nearly died laughing

"Soz, whats going to happen tomorrow?" She asked me

"I'm not quite sure, mom said we were leaving around 6 AM cause she has some meeting to go to before 1 PM" I said while splashing the water slightly

"Woah, thats early man." She replied while squeezing her hair

"Sure is thats why I'm going to pack when I get home cause I do not want to wake up an hour early before we have to leave.." I said while pushing off the steps and swimming around

"I'm gonna miss you Megs." Hayden said while looking at her knees under the water

"Aww, I'm gonna miss you too Hay!," I said as I walked towards her "But we still have the internet to keep us acquainted" I added then sat next to her. Then we did our little handshake cause we don't do hugs, It makes both of us feel awkward somehow.

"Your right, and on the bright side I can have Devin all to myself! Mwahahaha!" Devin was the boy we both had a huge crush on, ever since day one.

"Yeah, you can have him. He's too snobby for me, He may be cute but man, he doesn't even notice us even when we stare at him all day." I replied.

Suddenly we heard Kevin yell "CANNON BALL!" and then a big splash erupted in front of us, it was practically a wave. I don't know how he does that! He's practically a tooth pick.

"Gahh!," Both me and Hayden screeched

"What the heck Kev?!" Hayden yelled at him and he just stuck his tongue out "Oh no you did not just stick your tongue at me young man." Hayden said as she chased him around the pool, I took that as my cue to go change back in my normal outfit.

When I was done changing I immediately went back downstairs and found Hay and Kev in the living room with their mom, she too was a single mother only difference is that their dad passed away.

"Hey, Mrs.Conway" I said with a smile and sat down next to Hayden.

"I told you a million times call me Kate." She said smiling back

"Okay... Kate, how was your day at work?"

"Ehh, the usual boring as hell.. Yours? " She was a lawyer but she was too fun to be a lawyer, I don't know why that was the job she chose.

"School was fine, and your daughter here tried to drown me while we were swimming." I said

"Hey!, If I recall correctly it was you who practically shoved my face to the pool floor." She replied looking annoyed.

"Yes, that was what happened, hehe" I said while standing up "Well its getting late, Its already 8 PM, I should go home now, Nice to see you Mrs. Con- Kate, Kate and Kevin I bid you farewell, and as for you Hayden I shall IM you tomorrow. Good bye my friends!" I said as I made my way to the door and shutting it.

When I got home mom and Jon were already asleep, thats like a record for Jon he never sleeps this early. When I got home I changed into my pajamas packed my stuff into the same blue and black duffel bag I had used years ago and then fell asleep instantly, tomorrow is going to be a big day.
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Phew... that was looong! :D haha yay
And Jack may or may not appear in the next chapter but lets see how that goes shall we?

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