One Two She's Coming For You...


please read the first two prequals before this but keep in mind that this one is totally different and sorta has a creepy eire thing going on so if you have a very vivid imagination then you might be just a bit freaked out...and so it starts...

"We take this day for memoration of the dearly beloved Sarah...May she rest in peice..." So then they lay the lifeless corpse in the cold hard ground...little did they know what could happen in the they burried her in the ground they didn't know that she sunk deeper and deeper into the ground. suddenly her eyes snapped open...

XxSarah's POVxX

Where the hell am I?...It was cold...And dark...I bet I am in't be where is all of the fire?oh! look a dude! I will go ask him!

"Yo dude where the fuck am I?" He turned around. he was pale and his sleeves were dripping with blood. But he smiled at me.

"You are in the underworld. Not Heaven. Not hell. Here you can go visit the land of the living and stuff until they decide where to put you." I nodded...Hmm...this could be fun. "What's your name?"

"I am Sarah, Queen of the damned and ruler of all dissmay..." He chuckled at that. I looked him up and down. Black eyeliner. Adorable smile. Black hair. From first to last T-shirt. Girl pants. Hmmm...Very sexy. "And you?"

"I am Kyle king of blood and prince of darkness.." I smiled I'm starting to like this guy.

"Copy cat..." I pouted. He giggled at me. Yes giggled. He's probably bent. I inwardly sighed. "So Kyle...Just the first question popping into my mind here but are you bent?" He giggled a bit more. Damn he's a giggler.

"Sort of...Only half right. I am bi." Yeah! Ohchyeah! "That's not a problem is it?" His smile faded.

"Naww I am too don't worry about it man." He smiled and hugged me. I wasn't ready for that so I just kinda stood there shocked.

"Well anyways I am your guide I already made it too heaven but they told me there was a new kid so I volenteered to bunk with you." I smiled. I get to bunk with a hottie! I get to bunk with a hottie! "This way my dear." He grabed my hand and lead me down the hall. It was dark and the walls were made of dirt so I felt like that one gofer from whinnie the Pooh. Don't ask why I am so weird I just am. Finnaly we reached a door at the end of the hall. He opened the door to reveal a black and purple room it was awesome!

"Hey you said we are allowed to visit the land of the living yeah?" He nodded.

"Are we allowed to revenge on the bitches that wronged us?" He thought for a minute.

"Yeah I guess." I smiled. This WILL be fun. I have a big list of people. I should probably write them down so I don't forget.

"Hey, Do you have paper and a pen?" He nodded and opened a drawer. "Thank you." I layed down on a bed and was about to write. "Oh my god this bed is soooo soft!!!" I huggled the pillow and Kyle laughed at me. He came over and Laid down next to me. I blushed as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Soooo...What are you writing?" He was unbeleivably close to me now. Like centimeters away from my face. I could feel his warm breath on me. But, he was staining my clothes with his bloody arms.

"Does the blood ever stop flowing?" I asked wiping some of his blood off my arm. He blushed. And got up.

"I'm sorry..." He looked down and I laughed.

"Dude it's fine I don't care I was already bloody." He smiled. That smile...It makes me melt. He came back over and layed down like a foot away from me. "Dude I swear I don't bite you can come closer." I was seriously laughing at this guy! He makes it so obvious that he likes me! He scooted closer and I put my arms around him. "So tell me where you are from." I smiled and took my arms off of him so I could write.

"New York." I like New York. I used to visit there all the time. Nice place. I nodded. I was almost done with the paper. "What about you?" I looked up for a second.

"Many places. Vegas. Cali. Oakla. Yep. Not a very good past." He looked down. One more person and I'm....done. I smiled and Kyle looked at the paper.

"Lauren Weedman, Mindy Domiano, Gabriela Perez, Sasipha Hokeness, And Natalie Meyers?" I nodded. They made my life hell and it is time for revenge...