One Two She's Coming For You...


XxSasi's POVxX

Wow...Yesterday at the graveyard was so freaky. I bet someone was just playing a trick on us though. Eh...Well I am going to the mall with Gaby today. We have to see what's new at Tilly's. I walked into the bathroom to do my make-up and in the bathtub I saw Sarah with cuts all over her. I screamed and closed my eyes. I looked back and she was gone....Just like that.

"One two She's coming for you...." I turned around to see a little girl like 8 years old.

"Hey sweetie why are you here?" I was abit afraid because I don't know who she is or why she is here and how she got in but she's just a little girl with a hello kitty tee shirt on.

"Because..." She smiled sweetly. And I returned the favor. "You must pay!!!!" Her eyes bulged out and her teeth grew into long retched fangs. Her tongue was like five feet long with black and white stripes.

"Shit..." I was too scared to think...Everything went red again. I was coldand She picked me up and wrapped her long snake like tongue around me. Then I fell and busted my ass. Everything was back to normal again. I started crying. "I'm going mad!!!" I wiped my eyes and got up. I screamed. There was writing on the blood....

'You said you were my friend...But you were a small part of my death...


I heard someone giggling in the hall. I looked over there and someone ran past the door saying. "Emo muffins Emo muffins love love love!" Me and Sarah used to say that in 7th grade...Shit...I really am going crazy... My cell started ringing. I picked it up.

"Please don't hurt me!" I screamed crying.

"Sasi...It's me Jimmy..." Oh thank goodness it's Gaby!

"She-She's back! Sarah! She's going to kill me!"

"Sarah's dead Sasi."

"Remember the graveyard? Yeah. I don't think she's entirely gone!" I was talking like a smart-ass now.

"Sasi it doesn't-" Then I heard the dial tone. The lines dead.

"I'll be hiding in the shadows! I'll be waiting in the dark!" I turned to see Sarah with a bloody knife in her hands. "To drive this stake stait though your-" She stopped and came up to me.

"Oh pleasedon't...please?" She pretended to think for a second then whispered.

"Heart..." And she stabbed me in the chest and everything went black...

XxA/N: I already know how I am ending this story but if any of you have any ideas on how she should kill anyone just let me know!...Oh! and there probably will be another sequal after this. It depends on how nice you guys are being with the comments xD I really like comments they make me feel nice =]