Candy Hearts and Stale Air

It Begins.

It all started one day at the biggest concert of the year. My favorite band was playing, and who else better to share it with than my boyfriend and my best friend?
We waited outside the doors for hours, fourteen to be exact. But when a security guard tipped us off on how to meet the band, we couldn't say no.

We left a woman to guard our things and walked to where the security guard said to. We stood and waited for the tour buses to empty. When the doors opened the small crowd cheered. Slowly but surely the members exited the bus. Each of them turned and waved to us.

The last member and the one I was dying to see most stepped off and turned to wave. As he looked to the crowd, specifically my group, he paused and stared. It took me a few seconds to realize he was staring at me.

I felt his eyes burning a hole straight through mine, but I couldn't look away. The crowd became silent and motionless as we stared at each other.

For the first time in my life, I felt anger toward someone I'd never met. My stare turned into a glare and his eyes widened. I had this feeling in my heart, the feeling you get when you have the crazy idea that you've met some where before.

Minutes felt like hours in our exchange. His wide-eyed, open-mouthed gape and my death glare lasted until the bassist of the band came to get the singer. His concentration broke and our staring contest ended as he left. But not before one last glance back at me over his shoulder.

I put my head down and walked away as quick as I could, but not as quick as my friends could catch up.

"Um. What was that?" My best friend Dani asked. I didn't know how to answer, hell I didn't even know what happened myself!

"I honestly have no clue what it was, he probably mistook me for someone else." I replied.

"But Kari, he obviously kne-" I cut her off. I didn't want to think about it.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around, only to see the security guard from early.

"Come with me miss," he said, " I need to talk to you." I quietly followed, leaving my friends behind.