I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!


Chapter 1

“Why can’t you be more like Amalee and Brady, Savanna?” this was my parents favorite saying when it came to me.

When it came to my sister, Amalee, and brother ,Brady, they could do no wrong. When Amalee got kicked out of Harvard, she got a new porche and dad helped her get a modeling contract with ‘Ford Models’. When I got kicked out of ballet class (thank god), I got grounded and wasn’t allowed to go out except for school. When Brady got caught vandalizing a rival school, he got told not to do it again and got to go to Cairo, Egypt for the summer. When I punched someone from my school, I got told that I wasn’t allowed to go camping with Becka.

“Will you please be quiet? Some of us are trying to watch the movie.” someone hissed at us

We had been talking, we hadn’t thought we were disturbing anyone. Besides, it wasn’t just us talking there were others too.


“We’re free!” Becka squealed to me, as we raced out of the school doors and started to jump up and down inhaling the Santa Fe August air. We were as happy as a five year old on Halloween.

It was the last day of summer school for us. In a couple of days me and Rebecka would be off to New Hampshire.

Becka was my best friend. We had met in grade 9, when we were freshmen. We had met a really weird way. Some of the guys from the sophomore class had been pushing me around and Becka had come over and kicked their ass. She had asked me if I was ok and from then on we were friends.

Becka is going to Dartmouth college this year, and I’m going with her. But not to be in college. My parent, who hate me, said that it would be a waste of money to send me to college. So I’ll be in New Hampshire, away from my family.

“This is going to be awesome. No curfew, or parents to tell us what to do.” Becka said to me. “Were gunna have the time of our lives. We’ll meet nice boys and have load of fun.” She didn’t like the guys I dated.

I nodded, and was about to say something when my phone rang.


Where in heaven’s name are you?
Screeched my mother.

I sighed. I’m at Starbucks with Becka. Why?

I told you to come here straight home after your classes this morning. Don’t you remember?!

No, oh I remembered alright...I just didn’t do as she said. I forgot.

Well come home NOW! We have guests and you need to meet them.

She had hung up.

I sighed heavily. “I have to go, the mother from hell wants me to meet some guests.”

“What?” Becka asked. “She never wants you home when she has guests over. She always wants them to think that they only have two kids.”

“I know. I gotta go. Bye-bye Becka.” I said as I walked out the door of Starbucks, and hailed a taxi.

When I walked into the house I was greeted, well sorta, by my mother.

“Took you long enough young lady. Oh my and look what your wearing...well it will just have to do for today.”

She led me into our sitting room and I noticed the rest of my family and three other people. Two of them I recognized as Marcus and Ginger Hampton. Everyone in the US knew who they were. They were in every magazine and newspaper. Marcus owned the biggest law firm in New York City and had them all over America, it was said on the Times website that there was a 5% chance of his clients losing a case.

Ginger owned a fashion label that every girl in my school was wearing and a record label. Her label had produced some of the greatest musician.

I didn’t know who the third person was but I guessed that he was the son. The Hamptons son was in every tabloid magazine and even had his own page on Perez, I didn’t look at those things much so I didn’t really know much about him. He was very cute, he had messy dark brunette hair, and dark brown eyes. He had a very nice face structure, even when he was glaring.

Which he had done, when I walked in. He had glared at me like I was the plague.

Amalee didn’t notice. She was sitting with him and flirting to notice the look he gave me. She was pushing out her boobs and curling her hair on her finger.

“Hello,” I said politely. “My name’s Savanna, how are you?”

My mother, who had gone over to sit with my father in the love seat, and father looked surprised that I could be so polite.

“We’re fine thank you.” Mr. Hampton said to me as he turned his head to look at my dad. For some reason he looked angry. “I thought we arranged for Tonya to be with Dominic.”

My family laughed at Mr. Hampton. “She is Tonya, she just doesn’t like the names we gave her. So she uses her middle name instead.” my father told him.

“Yeah, because the name you gave me means ‘invaluable’ you asshole.” I muttered. and then something Mr. Hampton said disturbed me. “Urm...what did you mean, exactly, about me being with Dominic?” I asked.

Brady, who was sitting in the one-of-a-kind Celestine recliner, sat up eagerly and Amalee stopped flirting with Dominic. They looked happy about something and were now watching me.

“Your arranged to marry Dominic here. Before he takes over my law firm in Los Angeles.”

I was nodding, probably out of shock. “And when is that?” I asked in a monotone.

“June. This is my last year.” Dominic said talking for the first time, well to me anyway, he had a very nice voice. It was deep but soft at the same time, but towards me....it was nothing but cold.

“Well then, see you next year.”

Mr. Hampton looked uncomfortable, but my brother and sister were having the time of their lives. They had doubled over in silent laughter at my shocked expression and monotone voice.

“Well, you see Tonya,” Mr. Hampton started. I glared at him, no one calls me Tonya. “You won’t see him next year, because you’ll be going to live with him...in Los Angeles.”

All the while my face had been like stone, but when Mr. Hampton said I would be living with them, my face cracked and so did my emotions.

“ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!” I yelled at them. Amalee and Brady fell out of their seat with laughter. If there was one thing they loved it was me when I was angry, or in pain. I turned to my parents. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? I’M YOUR DAUGHTER! I MEAN I KNOW YOU HATE ME, BUT COULDN’T YOU HAVE FOUND A DIFFERENT WAY TO GET RID OF ME?! LIKE, I DUNNO...MAYBE KILLING ME?”

Fuck I was so angry. I turned to leave the room.

“Where do you think your going young lady?” Mandy asked, she was no longer ‘mother’ to me.

“To my room and try to find something to kill myself with, Mandy.” I said. I could tell everyone, but my siblings, had a shocked look on their faces.

I went upstairs and into my room , the first thing I did was call Becka. We had a very lengthy talk about what had happened while I looked on the internet to see if what my ‘parents’ did was illegal. But there was nothing. It looked like it wasn’t illegal as long as the parents consented to it.

Knock knock.

“Hey, Becks I gotta go. One of the dick heads is at my door.”

“Ok, bye.” Becka said as I hung up.

I got up and crossed the room, to my door. “Who is it, and what do you want?”

“It’s Ginger. Can I please come in, darling?”

I opened the door and stepped aside to let her in. I went over to my bed and sat down, she followed and sat down beside me.

“I know this is a shock for you, especially as your only eighteen, and we should have asked. Bu-.”

I cut her off. “Do you know why I got so mad back there?” I asked her, she shook her head. “I got mad because, of all the ways for my parents to get rid of me, boarding school or an exchange program, they decided to marry me off. And don’t say that they aren’t getting rid of me, because they are. Even since I was born they never wanted me none of my family did. But I’m guessing that they also married me off because they wanted to be able to say that their daughter was being married off to one of the richest families in America.”

A week later I was on a private plane, my bags had already been shipped to LA, and me sitting beside Dominic.

Los Angeles here I come. (Note sarcasm)