I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!


Two weeks later.

I had really taken what Dominic had said to me on thanksgiving into account. He could never date a girl like me?

Well, for the past two weeks, I wasn’t acting like me.

I had been going out and partying every night, last week I had met some girl at a night club. I couldn’t be bothered to remember her name, she was some heiress to a link of hotels or something, she was just a pawn in my game. I think her name was like, London or something.

But, apparently she was very well known because we would always end up in the tabloids, getting out of cars or coming out of clubs.

Ashley and Evan were always getting on my case about this. Saying that this wasn’t the way to get Dominic to start listening or paying attention, but I disagreed. Dominic was actually starting to care about where I went.

We had actually talked the other day, while I was getting ready to go out yet again.

Today Ashley and I went to a new club that had just opened. A new band was playing.

“Were looking for two girls to come up and dance with G.I.F.T!” announced the club manager.

Me and Ashley were at the bar, as the manager looked around he called out.

“The strawberry blond and black haired girls with the martinis come on up!”

We looked at each other smiled, and went to the stage. G.I.F.T started playing and we started dancing together. It was almost to the end of the song when someone pulled me off the stage.

“What the-” but I was cut off.

“We’re going home.” I looked up and it was Dominic, and he looked really pissed off. I was dumbfounded, but there was no breaking his grip, so I waved goodbye to a dumbfounded Ashley.

When we got back he waited until I had showered and took some aspirin to make the hang over, that was threatening to be there tomorrow, less annoying.

“What’s gotten into you?” he asked me as I got into bed.

“I have no idea what your talking about.” I said deciding to act like I didn't know what he was talking about.

“You know, at first, I didn’t know what your were doing. Getting all dressed up and staying out until 2 or 3 in the morning, Ashley had said that your were going clubbing and partying, but I didn’t believe it until I saw you in ‘In touch weekly’ with that heiress.

“What do you think you are doing? I followed you the other night, to ‘The Dime’, and I saw you making out with some guy who had licked vodka out of your belly button, and taken a cherry out of your mouth. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?”

I may have been intoxicated, but I understood with perfect clarity what he was saying.

And it pissed me off.

“Are you fucking serious?.” I spat at him. “I go out to clubs for two weeks, and have fun, but you, who did nothing but party when I got here, can do it all the time? You know what Dominic? If you don’t like me this way don’t yell at me OK? You are the one who said you couldn’t marry someone like me, so I decided to change.

“And don’t you reprimand me for making out with one guy, when I know that for the last four months, you’ve kissed and even fucked my sister. So excuse me for being something other th-”

I didn’t get to finish.

He had kissed me, Dominic kissed me. This was the first time that he had show any sort of affection to me, physical at least.

He pulled away. “I don’t want you to change. I liked you the way you were, sweet, calm, venerable, and sometimes very hyper. I’ve been meaning to say I am sorry for all the grief I’ve caused you since you got here. I didn't mean what I was just embarrassed that you caught me I guess.”

I didn’t answer, my face was still inches from his.

“What gave you this change of heart?” I asked finally.

“I heard you the other day in the music room,” he explained, I blushed. I had been making a song. “I heard the song, you’ve been writing. I kinda figured it was about me and you. So I decided to actually try to now be a jerk, and try to work out this relationship.”

I tilted my head to the side, trying to figure out if he was really telling the truth. He gave me a shy boyish smile, and I melted. “OK, we can try.”

“Good. Now, I know you’re a bit drunk, but would you mind singing me that song? I think it might be better if I wasn’t on the other side of the door.”

“Tomorrow.” I told him. He pouted at this. “When, I’m less intoxicated ok? I promise.”

He let me sleep, a few minutes later he slid his arms around my waist.

I fell asleep thinking about how his lips had felt against mine. I had been kissed very many times in my eighteen years of life, but none of them like the way it had felt with Dominic. Our lips had melted together, like they were made for each others.

I had promised myself that I didn’t want to ever fall in love, but I had a feeling that Dominic could be the one to break that promise.

When I woke up the next day, I was surprised to not have a major hang over. Dominic’s arms were still around me, it made me a bit uncomfortable. I had never really liked being touched, but that might have just been because no one had ever really shown me affection, or at least true affection.

I was trying to maneuver myself out of Dominic’s arms without waking him, but I didn’t do too well of a job because Dominic grunted and reluctantly opened his eyes.

“Morning,” I said shyly.

I wasn't sure if last night had actually happened.

He smiled. “Morning, Savanna. Is it time for me to hear your song?” he asked.

“I guess, but I’m really not that good. I can play some instruments pretty well but I can’t sing.” I told him.

“I’ll be the judge of that.” he said as he pulled me out of bed and dragged me to the music room.

“OK.” he said as we lead me to the piano. “Play, sing.”

“Fine,” I muttered. “ but you asked for it.”

He laughed.

I started to play.

Did you forget
That I was even alive?
Do you not want anything
we could have?
Did you not want
Did you not want to
know me?

Did you regret
Ever standing by my side?
Did you forget
What I was feeling inside?
Now I'm left to forget
what could have been.

But somewhere we went wrong
We could have been
Our love could have been a
song, but you let me it.

So now I guess
This is where we have to stand
Did you regret
Ever agreeing
to holding my hand?
Never again
I'll just forget
I'll forget

We should have had it all
We were just about to fall
in love
I never saw any of you flaws
because I thought you were
perfect in my eyes
but now I see

That you were just playing me
I never meant anything
you just lead me on
to believe

Somewhere we went wrong
We could have been
Our love could have been a
song, but you let me it be.

And at last
No pictures will be burned
And the past won't matter anymore
Is just a lesson that we've learned
to forget
what could have been

But somewhere we went wrong
Our love could have
been a song
But you won't sing along
You've given up
on us.

I finished.

“That was really good Savanna.” he said, kissing me on the forehead.

“Really? It was just something I made up on the spot. Well, not really, I made it a few days after I fainted.”

When I brought that up his eyes narrowed and went down to my wrists.

“About that, I was wondering about a few things. What’s happening with Colin and your parents?”

“They are no longer my family.” I said darkly. “I officially have no tie to any of them except Mandy, and even though she is my mother, I hate her. Colin, has a wife and child to take care of. I told him that he could come to the wedding, but that I wouldn’t be able to cope with him always coming to see me.”

“And one more thing.” he said lowering his voice. “What was with all those scars on your wrist?”

Shit, I didn’t know he saw those. Maybe if I play dumb he’ll leave it alone.

I widened my eyes in confusion. “What scars?”

I sighed. “Don’t play dumb with me Savanna. The scars that you were hiding under the sweatbands.”

“I really have no idea what your talking about.” I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn’t gunna let this go, so I got up and quickly walked out of the room. I could hear him following me.

When I entered the kitchen, Dominic not much later, I went over to the fridge to get out milk.

I had just reached the fridge, when Dominic spun me around and caged me against the fridge with his arms.

“Tell me.” he demanded. “What was with the scars on your wrist? As your fiancé, I have a right to know.”

He was staring deeply into my eyes, I sighed knowing I couldn’t win this one.

“It was nothing, I got depressed and went into my old habit.” I explained to him shrugging it off. “When I get really agitated or stressed or whatever, I’ll sometimes cut myself. But after all,” I joked. “that is what Emo’s do.”

“Promise me, that you’ll never do that again?”

I raised my eyebrow. “What? I know this is weird to say but; why not?”

“Because it scared me when I was it. I mean we may not love each other, but you can’t deny that we’ve grow fond of one another. It scared me when I saw it.” he repeated. “If you cut to deep one day I could lose you,

“So promise me, that you won’t cut yourself anymore. Please?”

I looked into his deep brown eyes, and totally understood what he was saying. “OK, I promise I won’t do that ever again.”
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, guys there it is Chapter 11. I want to say thanks to everyone who has messaged me and subscribed. You guys ROCK!