I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!


Chapter 6

December (Christmas)

I had always loved Christmas, it was my favorite holiday. Although, Christmas is supposed to be spent with family, every Christmas I would go over to Rebecka’s house and hang out with her family until New Year’s Eve.

I finally heard from Becka last week, she had said that she had been busy with school work and her new job.

“Hey babe,” Dominic called to me from the stairs. “When are the guests arriving?”

Dominic and I had gotten very close in the last few weeks, he had insisted on doing as many things as we could together, to get to know each other.

“Soon.” I called back.

I was in the sitting room, doing some finishing touches on the Christmas tree. Dominic and I had gone shopping for presents. To my horror, he told me that Cassandra and Melissa were coming to Christmas dinner. But, I had quickly gotten over it due to the fact the Ashley was coming and so was Evan.

I checked that all the presents were under the tree. There was Ashley’s, Evan’s, Cody’s, Melissa’s, Cassandra’s, and Dominic’s, and mine.

I had bought Dominic two things, because he had been really nice over the past few weeks. I had gotten him a signed football of this years Super Bowl winners and a Bentley Continental GTC. I know it is over the top, but he had really wanted it and it wasn’t like he would freak...hopefully.

I heard the doorbell ring and Dominic shouted that he would get it.

I heard the door shut, I poked my head out of the sitting room. “Who was it?” I asked.

“No one.”

Everyone had arrived and we had eaten. We were now in the sitting room, all around the Christmas tree.

“I just wanted to say ‘Merry Christmas’ before we all opened our presents.” I said as everyone was starting to open their gifts.
Ashley opened hers first, then Cody, then Evan then Melissa and Cassandra.

When it was Dominic’s turn I got really excited. I was just really hoping he like my gifts to him.

He had already opened Cody’s, Ashley’s, Evan’s, and Melissa and Cassandra’s. his eyes widened when he got to mine.

He got up and hugged me. “Woah, babe. How did you get this? It costs a fortune to find a football signed by this years NFL super bowl winners.”

I waved my hand. “Don’t worry about it. Now open your other one. I got you two.”

He opened the box that held his new car keys and looked confused. “What are these for?”

“What car have you been pining over for last few months?”

Everybody’s eyes widened.

“You didn’t.” everyone asked me.

“I did. Go outside and see for yourself.”

They all got up and ran to the front door. I heard yelling and screaming.

Dominic came back into the sitting room first. He picked me up, crashed his lips to mine, and spun me around.

“This must have cost you thousands.”

I smirked when I saw Cassandra’s face. “Only about, $237,695.00; its nothing.”

He tried to argue with me about taking it back and giving him something less expensive. I told him no and that I wanted to open my presents now.

I got really nice things from everyone, including Cassandra and Melissa. When I got to Dominic’s the first thing I opened was a small box with my engagement ring in it.

I had wondered where that had went.

“What’s this? I don’t get it. Why are you giving me my engagement ring?” I asked Dominic, not looking up from the ring.

He got up and took the ring from me, he hugged me and whispered in my ear.

“I thought I should do this the right way.”

To my embarrassment, he dropped to one knee. And infront of everyone, he asked me the question that he had never bothered to ask because it was final whether we wanted to or not.

“Savanna Markson? Will you marry me?” he asked me in a sweet voice, his eyes like melting chocolate.

I smiled, “Yes,” I told him. “Of course I’ll marry you.” and he kissed me.

“Thank you, and now, you have one more present to open.” he walked over to the tree and picked up a flat envelope. “Here.”

I opened it. It was a piece of paper that said, ‘ Say, Surprise!’

“Say surprise?” I repeated, totally confused now.

“SURPRISE!” a new voice yelled.

I looked up, and in the doorway of the sitting room, stood Becka.

“OMG! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’RE HERE!” I screamed as I ran to Becka and hugged her.

“Of course, Christmas is our thing after all.”

We turned when someone had cleared their throat.

“Sorry to interrupt, but we have to be going. Our flight leaves soon and Gordon, doesn’t like to wait.” Dominic said. Apparently, a tradition between Dominic and his friends was that after opening presents, they went to Cancun, Mexico.

It turns out that Dominic had flown Becka out here because he knew that I had been missing her. She didn’t like Dominic too much, especially because of the Amalee thing.

When we arrived in Cancun, it was 12 in the morning. We got to the resort, dog tired, checked in, went to our rooms, and fell asleep.

I woke up to kisses.

I opened my eyes to see Dominic straddling me, and a smirk on his face. I raised an eyebrow to him.

“What are you doing?” I asked him, as his lips went down to my neck.

“I’m waking you up, but it doesn’t seem like your awake yet.” he replied as he flipped us over, so that I was on top of him.

He held my waist firmly to his body, and worked his way up from my neck to my lips. When he reached my lips he teased me a little bit before deepening the kiss. A small moan escaped my lips.

I felt his lips curve up into a smile.

I was actually...happy. I hadn’t been really happy in a very long time. But with Dominic actually spending time with me and not cheating, and Becka being here...I was happy.

I heard the door open, and someone gasp. “Oh, sorry. Did I interrupt something?” said a high annoying voice.


Dominic and I sighed. Reluctantly, I got off of Dominic. I could tell, by his face expression, that he was also disappointed to let me go. He glared at Cassandra.

“I’m gunna go take a shower.” I mumbled, as I walked to the bathroom.

~Dominic’s POV~

I waited until, Savanna had closed the door and turned on the shower.

“What do you want Cass?” I asked, as Cass made her way to the bed.

“I want to know why your sucking face with that emo hoe.” she said glaring.

Was she really still jealous? I don’t get it, we went out for maybe two months. And even then she liked me more for my money than me.

“That, Cass, is none of your business.”

“The hell it isn’t!” she said raising her voice a little. “Why are you even acknowledging her? Why are you staying with her and hardly ever coming out with us anymore.”

“Because, I am trying to make this work. I don’t want to...cheat on her anymore. It’s wrong, besides...I think I’m staring to more than like her.” I said very quietly, hoping Cass wouldn’t hear.

She did.

“Whatever Dominic. We’ll just see about that.” she stormed out of the room in a brunette fury.

Was what I said true? Am I really starting to more than like her?

Savanna stepped out of the bathroom, a small towel wrapped around her body. I looked her up and down, admiring her figure. When I looked back up, she was blushing.

“So,” I asked her, as I made my way to her, and wrapped my arms around her waist. “what would you like to do today?”

~Normal POV~

I heard the door to our suite slam, and figured that Cassandra had left, and came out of the bathroom.

Dominic slowly turned to face me. When he did his eyes ran up and down my body. Checking me out, but not it a perverted way, more like appreciative.

I felt my face go red.

He got up and made his way to me. “So, what would you like to do today?” he asked me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I laid on the beach with Becka. Everyone else had decided to go swimming or surfing.

We had been catching up on everything. We had talked about why she hadn’t emailed me back for a couple of months, and her new friends. We had talked about the wedding, and Dominic, and my family.

“So, John was never your real father?”

“Yup, it was Colin. But, let’s not talk about that OK? I have to patients for them, except maybe Colin...and Brady.”

She raised her eyebrows when I said Brady.

“He was actually really nice before and after all of this happened. He’s been sending me email’s asking how I’ve been doing. Apparently, he’s not talking to Amalee.”

Becka smiled at this. “I knew there had to be a nice guy somewhere in there.”

Thankfully, we moved off the subject of my family.

“So, have you gotten any new piercings?” I asked her. Becka had always been afraid of getting a tattoo. Piercings hurt, but tattoo’s hurt way more.

Becka smiled slyly. “No, no new piercings...but I did get a few tattoos.”

My eyes widened. “Oh em gee, seriously? Where, and what do they say?”

She pushed her hair to the side. On her right shoulder blade, in really nice calligraphy, it said ‘B+V=BFFL<3’.

“Aww, Becks. You didn’t have to get that.”

“Yeah I did, cuz now you have to too. Remember our promise? That if I got a tattoo that said that, that you would to?”

“Ok, I didn’t forget, I just never thought it would happen.”

She stuck her tongue out at me and showed me her other tattoo’s. She had gotten another one around her naval, and a really long one in really cool flowers,on her back.

To show me her tattoo on her back, she had to take off the top part of her one piece.

She took off the top and laid down on her stomach.

“Woah, you guys. I never knew you liked me enough to take your tops off for me.” a guy said from behind me, while another laughed.

I turned around, it was Cody and Dominic.

“Don’t flatter yourselves, boys.” Becka told them as she cleverly put on the top part of her one piece, without showing Cody or Dominic.

Cody and Dominic, went to get some drinks for us.

While they were gone, me and Becka continued to talk, until Cassandra and Melissa came up. They both had very angry face expressions on.

“That was, like, totally whore-ish of you, you know that right?” Melissa asked Becka. “Like, pulling down your top, on the beach, is so not ok. And tattoo’s are even, like, worse.”

“Yeah,” continued Cassandra. “Tattoo’s are for guys, and lesbians. So, I guess that means that you,” she pointed at Becka. “and ‘wanna be vampire’ over here are, like, together. In that case, you can leave Dominic and Cody alone now.”

Me being me, just took what the said and didn’t retaliate. But, Becka being Becka, did retaliate.

“You know, there’s this new found disease called ‘slutacompolisis’, or slut, and it makes girls really bitchy, slutty, and think way too highly of themselves. Oh yeah, and it also makes them say ‘like’ a lot and have really annoying high voices, and think that things, particularly boys, are their’s.

“You two seem to have all of these symptoms. We should get you two checked out. Of course, they only way to truly cure it,” Becka said, standing up and somehow managing to keep a straight face. While I was on my towel laughing hysterically. “ is to give you a really good slap, and a reality check.”

Becka raised her hand, she was about to slap Melissa when Cody came up from behind her and pinned her hands behind her back. She struggled, telling him to let go, that she needed to clear their ‘slut’ disease. When Cody heard that, he looked confused, but still held on to her.

“I think, that you two should go.” Dominic said from behind me. “I don’t think Cody can hold for much longer.”

Stunned, scared, and furious, Cassandra and Melissa left.

Cody had let go of Becka, she dropped beside me on her towel, and he and Dominic looked at us with very confused looks.

“What?” I said innocently, stifling my giggles. “She was going to do a good deed...she was going to cure their ‘slutacompolisis’.”

The guys just raised their eyebrows. Becka, still to furious, explained to them.
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Hey, I hope you like this next chapter. I'll post the next one soon.