I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!


Chapter 7

We had spent two and a half weeks in Cancun.

It was our last night in Cancun; tomorrow we would be boarding the Hampton’s private plane to go back to Los Angeles, and Becka would be going to the airport to go back to Dartmouth.

Becka had agreed to be my maid of honor, and told me to email her the picture of my tattoo once I got it.

For our last night here, which also happened to be New Year’s Eve, we decided to go out to a club...again.

Ashley had insisted on dressing me and Becka. She had forced Becka, to her horror, into a flared pink mini dress with black fishnet stockings and pink flats. She looked like a popsicle. I was laughing so hard that I was crying, until Ashley showed me what I was going to wear. I immediately stopped laughing, but Becka had started. Ashley forced me, literally, into a purple mini dress and black heels. I hated the color purple, it made me look washed out. She then proceeded to do our hair and make-up. After deeming us perfect, we went downstairs to the lobby to meet the rest of them.

Everyone’s backs were turned to us when we made it down, Ashley tapped Cody’s shoulder and said that we were ready.

“It’s abo-” Cody started to say, as they all turned around, but stopped in his tracks. Cody and Dominic looked us up and down appreciatively, while Cassandra and Melissa just scowled. Evan, the only one who was making a normal face expression, came over to me and Becka and put his arm around our waists. Cody, who I think likes Becka, and Dominic scowled.

“Come on,” Ashley said. “Let’s go.”

We had been at the club for about two hours, Ashley and I were dancing, Becka was with Cody, and Evan was talking to some guy. I don’t know where Melissa or Cassandra went, but Dominic was at the bar.

“Go find Nick!” Ashley yelled at me over the music. “It’s almost twelve. You two should have your first New Year’s Eve kiss.” Ashley had noticed, with intense pleasure, that Dominic and I were now on good terms and starting to like each other.

I nodded. I was on the other side of the club, I started to walk through the crowd of people and over to the bar.

I think I’m starting to fall for Dominic. I thought to myself. I officially can’t picture my life without him, when I first started living with him, he was arrogant, cocky, and rude. He was still all of those things, but he was also kind, sweet, caring, and sincere. He’s still really sarcastic at times, but then again so am I. We actually fit together, which I never thought would have happened, with Dominic I’m actually starting to not be so insecure, and not think what everyone tells about me is true.

He doesn’t really flirt anymore, and when he does, it doesn’t really bother me. He even told Cassandra to back off the other day when she was making fun of my outfit.

I think I could even live with Cassandra being around. She really...


I had finally made it to the other side of the club, only to see Cassandra grab Dominic’s head and crush her lips against his. Dominic pushed her away his expression appalled, then terrified as he saw me approaching.

“Savanna I-” I put my hand up to silence him, I knew it wasn’t his fault.

I turned to Cassandra, who had the nerve to be smirking, and slapped her. Banners and Streamers started pouring down on us and people were screaming ‘Happy New Year’

“Don’t ever kiss my fiancé again.” I spit at her.

She glared at me. “You’ll regret this, Tonya. I swear you will.” she told me, then stormed away holding her face.

“Savanna, I’m so sorry. She just came up from nowhere and grabbed my face and kissed me. I-”

I put my finger to his lip. “I know it was your fault, I saw it all happen from over there.”

Dominic smiled. “I knew I like you for a reason...you know. You smacking Cass was pretty hot.”

I raised my eyebrow. “Really? Well I think that this is way more hot.” and with that I grabbed his face and kissed him.
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Hey, the next chapter is coming out right after this one.

I hope you like this one.