I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!



It was Valentine’s day, Dominic and I hadn’t planned anything. His birthday was tomorrow, so I had spent the last two or three days cooped up in the library. With Ashley and Cody coming in and out, and me occasionally coming out to eat and shower.

I still didn’t know what I was getting Dominic for his birthday. I mean, what did you get a guy who was rich and had everything? Besides, I had never shopped for a turning 22 year old.

I had fallen asleep on the desk in the library, I had been going over the final touches to the party tomorrow, when I felt lips on the side of my neck.

“Wake up, gorgeous. It’s 9 o’clock, and you fiancé is taking you somewhere.” Dominic whispered seductively in my ear.

I grunted. “If you don’t get up this instant, Savanna Markson, I will see what your planning for my birthday.” he threatened.

That got me up. “You wouldn’t.”

He raised and eyebrow. “Oh, but I would. But since your up, there is no point now is there?” he said smirking.

I growled at him. He told me to go get ready, and that he had laid out something for me to wear.

I went up to our room and quickly took a shower. I had passed the dress on the way in, it was a gold sweetheart dress . I got out of the shower and did my make-up more elegant in gold and brown tones, and then went out and put on the dress and strappy gold heels.

“You look beautiful, Savanna.” he said as he led me out of the house and into the car I had gotten him for Christmas.

Dominic had taken me out to a very fancy, very expensive, restaurant on the beach side. We talked and eat and laughed. We looked like a real couple, which was nice because usually it just looked like I was his emo cousin or something.

After eating we decided to take a walk on the beach.

“So, did you like today?” Dominic asked me after a few minutes of silence.

“Yes, none of my Valentine’s has ever been like this. A typical Valentine’s day for me back in Santa Fe was going to the fair, and him winning me a teddy bear.” I said, laughing at the memories.

A few more minutes if walking and Dominic sat down on the sand pulling me into his lap. “You know,” he said to me as we watched the waves crash and the moonlight dance over the ocean. “ since it is Valentine’s Day, I got you a present. It’s from Tiffany’s, I know you don’t like that store but it was the only place I could find what I was looking for.”

I was startled. “How did you know? That I don’t like Tiffany’s?

He laughed pulling me closer to him. “The fact that you make a face every time it’s mentioned helps. Besides, what with living with you for almost half a year, I know some things about you.

“Like, I know you hate the color purple, pink, and yellow because it makes you look washed out. You love to read, especially paranormal books, and that when your watching a scary movie, you like to be held at the scary parts.”

I gaped at him. Not because it wasn’t true, because it was, but because despite me thinking that he hardly paid attention to me, he knew me better than most of my old boyfriends. And some of them I had gone out with for longer than I had been with Dominic.

Dominic pulled a flat medium sized box out of his jacket pocket, and handed it to me telling me to open it. I opened the box and in it was a sterling silver necklace . It had words engraved on it.

I squinted, trying to read the word on the two hearts...on the first heart it said, Let me count the ways and on the other it said, I love you.

“It’s true you know.” Dominic whispered in my ear, as tears started to pour from my eyes. “I really do love you.”

I turned my head to look at him, his face showed nothing but love and concern. “Why are you crying, Savanna? Did I do something? I’m not lying to you, I swear.”

“I know, it’s just that no one other than Becka has ever said the loved me. I’ve never really been shown real affection...I ... I love you too Dominic.”

He smiled at me and then claimed my lips. Slowly, he ran he tongue over my bottom lip, silently asking for entrance, which I granted him. We explored each others mouths, and in that moment, I knew what I was getting him for his birthday.

I needed to go shopping.

“So, why are we in Victoria’ Secret if were getting something for Dominic?” Ashley asked me as I picked out lingerie.

I would have asked Cody to help me, but I didn’t want him seeing me like that, and Evan wouldn’t really be able to tell me because he would think like a girl, seeing as he’s gay. Me and Ashley had found out he was gay when he introduced us to his boyfriend Michael.

“We are,” I said as I lead her to the changing rooms. “This is my present to Dominic, well one of them.” I said to her as I held up all the lace, and satin in my hands.

Her eyes widened. “Oh, so you’ve decided to give it up? ‘Bout time. I thought you’d wait til the wedding day.” she snickered as a saleslady gave me a change room.

“Whatever, and I booked an appointment at the spa for both of us. For the party, is that ok?” I asked her while changing.

“Yeah, now come out I wanna see.”

After fifteen minutes of trying lingerie on nothing looked good enough, I came out in the last one I had. It was a dots and lace babydoll in hot pink with black garters.

“Oh em ge! That on is sexy, like seriously sexy, you have to get it.” Ashley was right it was sexy, but it was in pink. I thought it made me look washed out, but she thought it made me look as she put it ‘artfully paled’, and it was Dominic’s favorite color on me. Because of that small fact, I got it plus a push up bra in blue and blue garters.

After we paid, Ashley led me to the spa.

We were all signing happy birthday to Dominic, when we finished he blew out the candles on his cake. He had said to me that he wanted a birthday party like when he was a kid, except there had to be alcohol and dancing. So that is what I did, there were balloons and a face painter and an entertainer. I had even put in a bobbing for apples thing in the basement.

Since he had just blown out the cake, in a normal kid traditioned party, we all got it and ate while we watched Dominic open his presents.

Dominic had finished opening all of his presents in five minutes, with the help of me and Cody. Dominic looked to me and frowned.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him.

“Where’s your present?” he asked me pouting like a child.

I laughed at him, making him pout even more. “It’s in our room...you can have it after everyone leaves. It has to be special.” I whispered, so only he could hear me. No one needed to know what I planned for tonight.

He looked confused, but accepted it.

“Ok, no one is here. The party has ended. Where’s my present?” Dominic demanded.

I was nervous now. “Ok, go outside, count to one hundred, and then come back in ok?”

He looked suspicious, but left anyway. As soon as the door shut I stripped out of the pink dress I wore. Again, I only wore pink because Dominic like it one me.

I stepped out of the dress and walked over into the washroom.

“Savanna? Where are you and where’s my present?”

I took a deep breath, I had never really been good a seduction, flirting? Yes, seduction? No, and opened the bathroom door.

“Me and your present are right here.” I said.

Dominic turned around and gaped at me. He didn’t anything for a while, and I was starting to feel self-conscious.

Do I look that bad? Does he think badly of me now? Oh, why did I do this? I should have just bought him a watch.

I started to turn back into the washroom, but Dominic grabbed my wrist.

“This,” he said burying his face in the curve of my neck, making me shiver. “is the best birthday gift ever.”

I smiled at him. “Really, you don’t think I look bad or anything.”

He shook his head as he picked me up bridal style and began kissing me passionately, as he walked toward the bed...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, I can't remember if i showed you Dominic's car that he got for Christmas, but here it is


If you guys don't like the lingerie..., your gunna have to suck it up. I hope you don't hate me for saying that lol.

xoxo Natasha <3