I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!


Chapter 9

~Ashley’s POV~

It’s been a month since Nick’s 22nd birthday, and we haven’t seen much of Nick or Savanna. Last week they flew out to Canada although it must have been freezing there, and four days ago they had come out clubbing with us. Cassandra was pretty peeved at Savanna, she said she had ‘stole’ Nick from her. Which is ridiculous.

It was Friday night and Cody, Evan, and I were at ‘Vixen’. We had met up with Melissa, Cassandra, and Quinn.

“Where’s Dominic and Savanna? They never come out anymore.” Cody shouted over the music.

“Well, after the present Savanna gave to Nick, I don’t think you’d come out either. Besides I think they went to Sacramento this weekend, there is some kind of festival going on there.”

“Oh, ok. So, what did Savanna get for Nick’s birthday?” Evan, who was listening to us, asked innocently...it was a damn shame he was gay.

“Let’s just say, she went to Victoria’s Secret for his present.” I said to him as we laughed together.

Little did we know, that Cassandra had come up behind us and heard the whole thing.

~Cassandra’s POV~

That little whore. Sleeping with my Dominic? I don’t think so, she is going to pay.

I left the club, and pulled out my cellphone as I made my way to my car.

Hello? a gruff voice answered.

Hey, it’s me Cassy, I need you to do me a favor...it involves Savanna....

~Normal POV~

It’s been about a month since Nick’s 22nd birthday. After that we just couldn’t get enough of each other, but eventually we decided that we had to get out in public, especially since the wedding was coming up soon.

“Nick!” I called from the front door. “I’m going to the store, do you want anything?”

He came around to the stairs, “No, I’m good, babe.”

“Ok, I’ll be back later, love you.”

I opened the door and stepped out. I got into the Bentley and drove out of the gates. It took me about twenty minutes to get to Wal-mart.

I picked up some ice cream, cereal, Gatorade, and lady stuff. I went the games section and got a video game for Nick, he only had a few more months before he started working for his dad and would probably want to act like a goof some more.

I went to the cashier and paid for my things. As I walked out of the store I got an eerie feeling that I was being watched and followed. When I got into the car, the feeling didn’t subside. I was so distracted that when I looked up from driving, I had no idea where I was.

It looked like I was on the outskirts of Los Angeles. I had noticed a car following me but took no notice of it, I tried using my cellphone, but it had no reception. I stepped out of the car and walked down the road trying to get cell service or find a pay phone.

I was so distracted that I didn’t notice a car stop behind mine, and someone step out. Until, of course, that someone put their hand over my mouth and told me not to scream.

I struggled as the guy, wrestled me to the ground and straddled me to keep me still. The stranger ripped open my shirt, and pulled up my skirt.

“Get off! Get the fuck off! HELP! SOMEONE HELP!” I yelled.

He slapped me, “Shut the fuck up bitch.” he yelled back, I stopped struggling in that moment, I recognized that voice.


He had left me one the side of the road, crying and sobbing. I finally got the sense to stand up, I tried to right myself, but it was no use.

I got back into my car and looked at the dashboard. It said 3 o’clock, I had been laying there for about half an hour.

The lights in the house were off. Quietly, I opened the door and went into my room. I went into the closet to find clothes to wear, and silently crept back out going to a room far from ours. I took a shower, scrubbing myself hard, trying to wash the night away.

I changed into my pj’s and instead of throwing away the clothes I wore tonight, I shoved them under the bed.

It’s been three weeks since it happened, so it is now April, and I haven’t told anyone what happened. Nick is as confused as ever, every time he comes near me or tries t touch me I cringe away from him. I told him to leave me alone and just go out with Cody and everyone else.

I couldn’t face Nick. Steven, had told me to stay away from him, and leave him alone, that if I didn’t he would find out, and find me. He had said that Nick wouldn’t want me anymore, not after that night.

But I can’t take this anymore, I need to talk to someone. So, I went on the computer and signed onto my email.

I need to talk to someone, I can’t keep this in anymore, it’s just to hard. Can you fly out here? Please? I-I got r-raped. Please....Brady?


~Dominic’s POV~

“Hey dude, it’s nice that your coming out more, but why doesn’t Savanna come anymore? I thought you two were joined at the hip.” Cody asked me.

That night me and the gang went to ‘the Dime’. Savanna hadn’t been her normal self for last few weeks, every time I touched her she would cringe away from me, not like she was repulsed by me...but with herself.

“I don’t know man. She hasn’t been acting normally anymore. And it all started a few weeks ago, when she had gone out to Wal-mart.”

And then it hit me.

~Cassandra’s POV~

Dominic, had been hanging out with us more and more, ever since I had talked to Steven. I told him to do whatever he had to, to get Tonya to leave Dominic alone and start coming out with us again.

I don’t know what he did, but it worked. I think the old flame is rekindling, for the past few weeks we’ve danced together and drank together. It was only a matter of time before he begged me to take him.

I was going to ask him to dance as he turned from me and left the club in a hurry.

“What’s with him?” I asked Cody.

“Dunno, one minute we were talking about Savanna, and the next he gets this look on his face and rushes out of here.

I ran out of the club calling Nick’s name. I caught him and he turned around. “What’s up?”

“Something’s wrong with Savanna, but I don’t know what it is. And it’s getting on my nerves.”

Finally I thought, it’s about time you dumped her.

“Oh, well maybe something happened to her that night.” I said giddy that they were soon going to be through.

“Yeah,” he said distractedly. “I have to go. See ya later Cass.”

I waved goodbye as he backed out of the parking lot and drove off.

He was as good as mine, thank you Steven.

~Dominic’s POV~

I drove back home as quickly as I could. I rang the doorbell, in too much of a rush to find my keys.

Savanna opened the door. She looked confused when she saw me, like she was expecting someone else.

“Nick?” she said.

I held onto her arms. “I need you to tell me what’s wrong, babe.” I said to her, looking into her expressive eyes. “It’s killing me that I can’t help you.”

Instead of telling me, she took off the top of her robe. She stood there, in her bra, with bruises on her arms and torso.

I was seeing red, as I saw the bruises on her. “What happened? Who did this to you?” I would find him, and then kill him.

“I think,” a new voice said from behind me. “that you should tell him what happened, Savanna.”

“And what happened?” I asked Brady.

“That, she was raped.” Brady told me, after a while.

It went quiet, all except for Savanna’s sobs.

I pulled her into a tight hug. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because, I thought you would leave me, he said you wouldn’t want me anymore”

His grip tightened, “Who? Who said that I wouldn’t want you?”

She started to sobbed harder, it looked as if she was struggling to say his name, “Him. He said you wouldn’t want me...because you said you would never want someone who...who” but she couldn’t finish.

“Savanna,” Brady pleaded with her, feeling the same hurt that I was. Savanna had told me that Brady could be nice to her sometimes, but that was mostly when her parents and Amalee weren’t home. “you have to tell us who did this. If you don’t we can’t help you, and you may never get over this.”

“It...it was S...St....” she took a deep breath and said the name. “Steven.”

I’m going to kill him.
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Hey, I hope you liked this one. It was more of a filler, you could say.

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xoxo Natasha