I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!


Chapter 10

Brady and Dominic had insisted that we go to the police.

The next day, we had gone to the police station and filed a report, they made me do some kind of sex kit and give them the clothes I was wearing that day. Next we had gone to the doctors, to check that I didn’t get and STI’s or pregnant.

Thankfully, I hadn’t.

A few weeks later, the police had enough evidence to charge Steven, and we went to court.

“Now, Mr. Potts.” said Claire, the Hampton’s attorney. “You said that you had first met my client on the second Friday of September last year. Is that correct?”

“Yes.” Steven replied.

“And that was your last encounter.” she said, stating, not asking. “But, according to you, and my client, you haven’t met since. So, why is it, that you decided to attack and rape my client more than seven months later? You also told the my client that if she continued to see her fiancé, or you would find her.”

It was true, I hadn’t seen him since seven months prior and yet, he decided to attack me seven months later.

“Mr. Cole? Could you please explain to the jury your motive? Because I, fail to see one.”

Steven looked really scared, he looked at Cassandra. I didn’t know why she was here, she had been even worse to me over the past few weeks.

“I-I was hired, told to rape her and threaten her, to stay away from Dominic.” he finally said.

“And why were you hired?” Claire asked him.

“I was hired, because this person, wanted her fiancé for herself. She said that if I did this, she would pay me handsomely. She said if I didn’t, she would make up something bogus and report me to the police.”

“Are they here, in the court room Mr. Cole?”

He nodded. “Yes, they’re here.”

“Could you point them out, for the jury?”

Steven raised his arm, and with a trembling finger, pointed to Cassandra.

Everyone in the court room gasped, Dominic growled. I, stopped breathing.

How could she? I know she hates me, but why would she put me through that all for Dominic?

The police were going over to her, and cuffing her, reading her her rights.

The trial went on, they called Cassandra to the stand. She said that ir wasn’t true, that he was lying. And really, they couldn’t convict her. They had no solid evidence, other than Steven’s word.

Then they called me to the stand.

“Miss Markson, could you please point out your attacker.” Noel, Steven’s attorney, asked me.

I pointed to Steven.

“And how do you know him?”

“We met at a party, in September.” I told him.

“And whose party was this?” he asked.

“My fiancé, Nick.”

“Right, and at this party did you or didn’t you, flirt and take him into the house?”

“Objection, your honor. That is an irrelevant question, what does that have to do with what is at hand?” Claire said.

“Your honor, I am merely trying to get to a point.” he retorted.

“Sustained, go on Noel.” the judge said.

“Please, Miss Markson, answer the question.”

“I-I did, but I didn’t take him into the house, he took me.”

“But you weren’t unwilling. Do you think that this little encounter, may have led him on to believe that you had an interest in him?”

“No, we didn’t do anything that night but kiss. He was even told that I was engaged.” I told him.

“But, if you were engaged at the time, what were you doing kissing someone who wasn’t your fiancé?”

“I-I was mad at my fiancé at the time, we weren’t getting along.”

“No more questions, you honor.”

The evidence went into play, and more and more questions were asked, mostly toward Steven and I, after a one hour trail, the jury had made their decision.

We all sat in the court room, Dominic holding my hands, comforting me.

“On the case of Steven Cole, we, the jury, find him guilty on rape.”

The judge nodded. “Steven Cole, I sentence you to five months in prison.”

The police came and took Steven away, I thanked Claire, and left the court with Dominic and Brady.

As we entered the lobby, Ashley, Cody, and Evan came up to me, asking if I was OK.

I smiled faintly, “I’ll be fine. Let’s just leave it behind us. OK?”

I was just kind of sad that he was only going away for five months, but I guess it was better than nothing.

Everyone nodded.

“In that case,” Brady said. “Let’s go out for a celebratory drink.”

“You guys go, I’m a bit tired. I just want to sleep. I’ll see you all tomorrow ok?” I said.

They looked at me with concerned eyes, but agreed.

Dominic was still by my side as we left the court building.

“You can go with them you know? I don’t mind if you do.”

“No, I’m going to stay with you tonight.”

“Are you sure? I’ll be really boring tonight, I’m just goi-”

“No.” he said more firmly. “I’m staying with you tonight.”

The ride home was quiet, except for when I asked him to stop by McDonald's.

“I’m going to go and shower OK?” I told Dominic after we had finished our food.

He nodded, not saying anything.

After I had gotten out of the shower, I brushed my hair and my teeth. Putting on my shorts and baby tee, I left the bathroom.

Dominic was sleeping, the t.v on cartoon network; he was such a child sometimes.

As I got into bed he wrapped his arms around me.

“I thought you were asleep.”

“Nope, just thinking.” he said as he opened his eyes to look at me.

“What about?” I asked.

“The wedding.” I flinched. “You know it’s coming up soon. We haven’t pick out your dress or my tux, we haven’t sent out invitations, or gone to a florist or even picked out a cake.”

“Yeah, but we can do it all in the next few weeks. The wedding isn’t until June.”

“True, but it feels like the wedding is so far off. I don’t know if I’ve told you this yet, but I can’t wait until we’re married.” he said nuzzling my neck.

“No, you haven’t told me that, but it was nice to hear.”

Despite the trail, and the paparazzi asking us questions, due to the fact that I was marrying the son of one of the greatest lawyers and fashion designer, we managed to get the things for the wedding done.

I got a great wedding dress by Maggie Sottero, it was strapless with sequins going down the front, the back made it look like a corset. The bottom was flowy and had and nice train. My bridesmaid dresses were a dark blue with trimming, and like my dress, strapless.

The cake was huge, it had five layers. It was marble cake, it was decorated with blue and then had gold ribbons everywhere. We went through so many stores just to find a place that could do this in detail.

Our invitations had been sent and a date had been set. I was still stressing over the wedding though. Everything was finalized and set, but I kept thinking something would go wrong.

Brady had left about three weeks ago to go back to school. Becka had called a few days ago to tell me that she would be here a week before my wedding.

It was now May, we had a month until our wedding, and I was getting jittery. But not in a bad way, in a way that made me wish June was now.

“Your parents said they have the photographer and videographer and-”

“Stop, if you keep worrying, you’ll have a heart attack or pass out. And we can’t have that now, can we?” Dominic asked me, interrupting my worrying.

“Well what am I suppose to do?” I asked him. “We can’t all be chill like you, you know. I just want everything to be perfect.”

“And it will be.” he said kissing my forehead. “But, if you keep picking at things and looking for stuff to go wrong, it will.”

“Fine.” I grumbled, mad at his logic. “I’ll try and stop worrying. Happy?”

“Very. I have a beautiful, and erratic girl that I get to marry in a month. And no one, can take that away from me.”

I was about to say something, when the phone rang. Dominic left the library, the room we were currently in, and went to get the cordless in the living room.

He came back in after fifteen minutes, looking very disgruntled and angry with the phone in his hand. A total 360 than when he had left.

I cocked my head to the side as he came to sit back beside me, and asked him what was wrong.

“Nothing, I just got a call.” he said, trying to shy away from the subject.

“Liar. You were totally fine when you left, just tell me what’s wrong.” I put my hand on his face, cradling it. “Please?”

His eyes narrowed with amusement and annoyance. “That’s really annoying you know? You being able to get anything out of me just by touching me and softening your voice.”

“Does it work?” I asked amused.

He sighed. “Yes. I’m angry, because Cass called, asking why she didn’t get an invite to our wedding. Ashley had apparently been talking about it, and now she’s mad that she didn’t get one.”

“Well, why didn’t she? Hasn’t she been you friend since like the second grade or something?”

“Yeah, she said that too. But I told her that she didn’t get one because of what happened at the trial.” I flinched slightly when he mentioned it. “She said that it wasn’t true, but I told her that, it didn’t matter. There was something in her eye when she was on the stand, and she was even worse to you over the past few weeks leading up to the trial. I told, that I knew she had lied, but I could pin anything on her.”

“Dominic, are you sure? She has known you for quite sometime, are you sure you don’t want her there?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. Besides, she was always rude to everyone, and it’s been starting to get on my nerves, ya’know?”

“I guess, then that means it’s only a matter of time until I get a call like that.”


“I didn’t invite John, Mandy, and Amalee.” I mumbled.

As if on cue, the phone rang.

Dominic picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“It’s for you, Savanna...have fun. They don’t sound happy.”

I grumbled unintelligibly.

Hello? I said cautiously.

Tonya Savanna Markson, Mandy yelled into the phone.Why, haven’t your father and I received an invitation to your wedding.

Oh, my dad has one. You know, Colin. But you probably mean you and John right? Well, you didn’t get one, because I have no obligation what so ever to invite him, nor you. Even if you’re my mother.

The hell you don’t have an obligation,
she shrieked at me. We raised you, fed you, and even found you a spouse. You have nothing but, obligations to us.

That, my dear mother is where you are wrong. You could have put me into the system, but you didn’t you kept my because of the press and how it would look if a celebrity surgeon and his wife put their child up for adoption. Maybe, had you done it from the goodness of your heart and actually cared for me, in my eighteen years of life, I would have invited you. But you didn’t, I had nannies and when I was too old for them I either fended for myself, or went over to Becka’s house, and her parents would help me and feed me when you, John, Amalee, and Brady were gone for weeks on end. They were my real family, who by the way are coming....you don’t even love me. So why should I invite you?

You are forgetting, we gave you a husband, I highly doubt you could have ever found one yourself. With the way you dress and act, you would have been alone for life. You should be thanking us on bend and knee.

You don’t even know me. People actually liked me, not all of the ones in school, but outside of school they did. They liked my uniqueness and that I wasn’t afraid to take risks. I probably could have gotten a husband, but now we’ll never know will we? But I will thank you for setting me up with Dominic, even if it were only for your benefit and to get me out of the family. We are a perfect match, and we love each other. But that, is the only thing I will ever thank you for. John, I have no need to invite as he is not my father. Amalee was never even considered, because that little whore, the one you call an angel and sweetheart, slept with my fiancé, and although you are my mother, I don’t need to invite you.

And what about Brady?
She inquired.

[]iOh, he’ll be coming. He’s one of Dominic’s groomsmen.

WHAT! Why is he going?! She shrieked once more in outrage. He was just as bad as us.

He’s coming, because after thanksgiving, he stayed in touch, he apologized. He was there for me a month ago. And I know, you saw the papers, or at least heard it. I know Amalee reads ‘Perez’ she would have seen it and read it. Yet none of you called to ask if I was OK, and you’re my mother, Mandy. So excuse me, for not inviting any of you.

Is that what it’s about? Us not apologizing? Well fine, we’re all sorry. Happy? No just invite us to the damned wedding.

It’s not just about apologizing. It’s about how you’ve treated me my whole life. But nice try on the apology, it would have been nice if you meant it. Your not coming, and that’s final. Have a nice life Mandy, soon I will have no tie to any of you, and that, has been a dream of mine since I could talk. Goodbye.

I hung up.

“Are you OK?” Dominic asked me, putting his arms around me and pulling me into his lap.

“Yeah, I’m OK. It was nice to finally say what I’ve always wanted to say to her.”

He just held me, comforting me and whispering to me.

After a while, I sat up.

“I can’t believe we’re getting married soon. It seems so surreal, doesn’t it?” I asked him.

“Yeah, it does. I never thought I would marry someone like you. I kind of always thought I would marry some ditsy blond, who would more or less be a trophy wife.”

I punched his arm, and stuck my tongue out at him. “Well, I’ll tell you right now. I am no trophy wife.”

“Of course not, your too smart and pretty for that. Besides, I love you.”he said as he kissed me. “Let’s go up stairs, my sweet.”

Without waiting for an answer, he scooped me up and carried me out of the library, up the stairs and into our room.
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Hey! I kinda changed it up a little bit, the part about Steven, but that's the only thing that I changed really. There is a grammar mess up in there but I can't find it. lol.

I hope you like it, and i want to thank everyone who has subscribed and commented.

xoxo Natasha <3