I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!


Chapter 11

As if I wasn’t stressed enough, what with the wedding preparations and what not, Dominic decides to tell me that were having an engagement party in two days.

To say I ‘went off on him’ was an understatement. I freaking beat him senseless, at least that’s what I meant to do. But seeing as he is bigger than me and so much stronger, as soon as I went for a second punch, he caught my wrist and told me he would let go once I calmed down.

Through gritted teeth, I told him to let me go.

“Babe? Are you sure I can let you go?” he asked me wary.

I nodded stiffly. He let go and I turned from him.

“Where are you going?” he asked me.

“Out, if I have to have a damned engagement party, I need to get ready. One, because I know that it will only be your family, as I am not talking to mine. And second, Brady and Becka are at home until the wedding.”

“So, your mad.” he said. It was still kinda creepy the way he could read me.

“Yes,” I told him curtly. “and you know what that means.”

He sighed. “Great, so my fiancé won’t be talking to me for the next two days.”

I turned around and grinned at him. “That’s right,” I said as I walked back up to him. “This will have to last you the next two days, cuz I’m serious this time.”

I kissed him, and then pulled away. He looked at me with lust filled eyes.

“That’s not fair.” he called to me.

“Too bad.” I called back as I grabbed my keys out of the bowl in the foyer, and left.

If Dominic’s family is anything like mine and how Dominic used to be, I was going to have to get a few things.

As I drove into town I called Ashley.

Hey, can you meet me downtown?

Sure Ashley replied, why?

I need to get ready for the engagement party, Nick’s whole family will be there.

Oh crap, I’ll be there in like ten minutes.

We both hung up. Judging by Ashley’s response, I could guess that Dominic’s family was as bad as I thought.

Engagement Party

I was still getting ready as Dominic’s family arrived. The only people I would know, apart from Dominic and his parents, were Cody and Ashley.

Ashley had told me that sometimes his family met his girlfriends, and all of them had always left in tears, the only one they liked, was Cassandra.

Perfect, I thought sarcastically.

She had told me that they were more or less like sheep, they though you should have unusual hair or eyes. They didn’t mind tattoo’s, but they could be excessive, same with piercings.

“I am so screwed.” I told myself as I looked in the mirror of the bathroom.

To try and please Dominic’s family, Ashley and I had gotten this blond wash out hair dye, you put it in and your hair turned blond. The nice thing was, that to get it out, all you had to do was wash your hair.

I had taken out seven piercings from my left ear and four from my right and I took out my monroe. As for the tattoo’s, I left my hair down to cover the one on my neck and ear, put this industrial strength cover-up on my wrists, and my boobs and lower back were covered by the dress. Unfortunately, the one on my ankle, that said: V+B=BFFL<3, so I left it.

And as for my eyes, I had gotten contacts. The color I had chosen was my emerald eye, since it was too late to get one custom made, I had to buy a pair. Really I had only wanted one, but nobody makes emerald contacts with flecks of aquamarine one them.

I had never worn contacts, so they were irritating me a bit.

Knock knock

“Savanna? Come on, you have to meet my family now.” Dominic called through the door.


Here goes nothing, I thought to myself.

I opened the door, Dominic had his back turned to me. When he heard the door open he turned...and then his mouth fell open.

“Savanna?” he asked me uncertainly.

“No,” I spat sarcastically, “it’s the Easter Bunny. Of course, it’s me. Who else would it be?”

He shrugged. “Why did you do this? I liked you better before.”

“Same, but Ashley told me about you family, so I decided to make myself...some what presentable?”

He just shook his head. “Come on, their waiting.”

He took my hand and led me into the backyard. He opened the screen door, and everyone turned to him.

“Everyone,” he announced. “This, is my lovely fiancé, Savanna Markson.”

I looked up at him, grateful that he didn’t use my first name. He looked down at me, absolutely gleaming with pride.

“...see what’s so lovely about her.” I heard someone whisper.

I didn’t bother to see who it was, I couldn’t be bothered.

Dominic took me around and introduced me to everyone. The adults were snobbish, especially the women. The only people in Dominic’s family that I liked, were the children. They were every cute, and ranging from five to ten. There were very few cousins Dominic’s age. Maybe only five were his age, or older.

Soon it was time for dinner, we all went inside. The dining room was too small, so we all went downstairs into the banquet hall.

I’ve been living here for almost a year, and I didn’t even know there was a banquet hall...how dumb am I?

I had to sit between Dominic and his grandmother. Now you would probably think that it wasn’t so bad, but it was. She was a total bitch to me.

“Why didn’t you got to university?” she asked. “Are you too stupid?”

I didn’t reply, I just kept eating.

“You are only marrying my Nicky here, so you can have his money, and go off and flirt with other men. All the while, Dominic, will be here working to keep you happy. You don’t deserve him.” said one of his aunts. The rest of the women, except Ginger and Ashley, nodded their heads in agreement.


“Good lord girl! Do you speak?” she turned to Dominic. “Sweetheart, I don’t think you should marry someone as low as her. What ever happened to that sweet little Cassandra you were dating? Such a shame you let her go for this.” she said waving her hand at me like I was lice.

Dominic didn’t say anything.

Are you serious? I thought, outraged. You little fuck, your supposed to be my fiancé, you know, not letting people, especially your relatives talk shit about me.

I was fuming.

“What sort person gets a tattoo on her ankle?” Nora, Dominic’s grandmother, asked me.

By this time, we were all in the living room. Dominic still hadn’t said anything, I she had just killed my last nerve.

“I am the kind of person who gets a tattoo on her ankle, and you know what? I have more.” they looked shocked. “Yeah, I have one on my neck and ear,” I said lifting up my hair and showing them. “My breasts and lower back. And, on my wrists.” I told them getting up and getting a wash cloth from the kitchen.

I went back into the living room and showed them. They gasped.

“Nice, aren’t they? Oo, and guess what? I have eight piercings on my left ear, five on my right, and a monroe.

“I didn’t go to university, because my bastard parents wouldn’t pay for it, they said it was a waste. I don’t need any of Dominic’s money, although my parents never left me anything, my grandfather did. So if I decided to not marry Dominic, I would be pretty well off for the next couple years.

“Cassandra, was anything but nice. She was a total and complete bitch, but of course, around you she would be so sweet, like an angel. But, me, no sorry, I don’t take well to people criticizing me. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” I said finishing my rant and going upstairs.

I ripped off my blue dress and got in the shower.

Time to show them the real me.

I got out of the shower, and went into my closet. I pulled out my favorite Lolita dress and red bow button wedge. I went to my jewelery box and took out skull barrettes, necklace, and earrings.

I went back into the bathroom and did my make-up. I happily took out the contacts, and was ecstatic to see my black hair. Being a blonde, was just too weird.

....at least I know what I’ll do for Halloween next year.

I put my piercings back in, and quietly walked back downstairs. Wanting to catch the off guard.

The only ones who saw me were Ashley and Cody, I put my finger to my lips. The both nodded.

“...arrogant, rude, and self-centered.” of course, it was Nora. “I don’t know why you picked that ill-bred, classless mongrel, for our Nicky. Have I taught you nothing Marcus? You should have come straight to me if you need someone for Nicky to marry. I know plenty of well-bred, mannered women. Any one of them would be perfect...you know what? This wedding is off. I do not give my blessing, you can not and will not marry her.”

I laughed, Nora looked around, when she faced me, she was horror struck. “You know, I don’t think that’s gunna work out.”

“Do you see what I mean!” she shrieked. “Look at that hair, those eyes, those tattoo’s and my god those piercings!

“Look at what she is wearing, skulls and cross bones? I ask you, is this really the kind of girl we want marrying our Dominic?”

The women shook their heads, the men...they just shrugged, like they couldn’t care either way.

“He’s not yours, he’s Marcus’ and Ginger’s. They gave birth to him, not you. And news flash, no one asks for a grandmother’s permission to marry of their kid. If the mother and father say yes, then it’s forward from there. We don’t need you permission, we already have the people who took care of me, and Marcus and Ginger’s.

“But, it’s OK. You were probably born in, like, 1854, so it isn’t your fault. But still, like I said we don’t need you permission, if you don’t like this marriage, then don’t come. Like, it only makes sense, but I would think you would be happy that oldest grandson is getting married, no matter who it is, just as long as he loves her. And I know that he loves me.”

“This, Savanna, is why you are not fit to marry Dominic. Look at the way you talk to me, criticize me. Had you not been like this, maybe I would have liked you.”

I smiled fakely at her. “That’s a load of bull and you know it. You didn’t like me on sight, you criticize my hair and eyes and my whole self. The only reason I dyed my hair blond was because I was told you didn’t like strange hair or eyes color. Nor did you or anyone else in you family like multiple piercings or tattoo’s. So excuse me for trying to please you.”

Through all of this, everyone had been quiet, especially Dominic. I was now furious at him, not once did he say anything to Nora, not once did he tell her to stop criticizing me.

“But you know what?” I said. “If he doesn’t want to marry me, fine. But that is up to him.”

Everyone turned to face him.

“Well Nicky,” Nora said sweetly. “Do you want to marry this woman.” she sneered, as if I wasn’t an actual woman.

Before he could answer, someone appeared in the doorway and said: “I’m pregnant,”

It was Cassandra.
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Hey! I hope you liked this one, sorry it took so long to update, I've been running around all week.

xoxo Natasha <3