I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!


Still the engagement party

No one said anything. Nora was the first to speak up.

“Oh dear, what do you mean? Who is the father?” she said very sweetly, as if talking to a child.

“I’ve been to scared to say anything, but I can’t hold it in anymore...Nick, you’re the father.” she said, tears falling out of her eyes.

Everyone looked to me, to see my expression. But I knew there would be nothing to see. I kept my face straight, oh I was angry alright. I just didn’t show it.

Someone put their arm around me, I looked over, it was Ashley. She knew that I was pissed.

“Well Nicky, it looks like you can’t marry Sarah, after-all. You must marry Cassy here, as she is carrying your child.” she looked very smug, as if she had won.

To my, and everyone’s, surprise Dominic and Cody started to laugh.

“I fail to see the humor.” I said monotonously.

Dominic straighten up, and wiped a tear from his eye, Cody was still silently laughing.

“Well,” Dominic started. “It would be kind of impossible for Cass to be pregnant with my baby for two reasons.”

“Go on, jackass.” I said.

He looked hurt by what I said, but I was still angry. “Well, she couldn’t be pregnant with my baby because one, the last time we had sex was just a in August and two, does she look pregnant?”

“No, but she could be a month over due, it does happen. And maybe, she’s one of those women who don’t show when their pregnant.” Nora countered.

“True, but the thing is, we used a condom and me, Cody, and Ashley, have seen her pregnant.”

It was like watching a debate.

“What!?” Nora screeched. “How? When?”

“Back in sophomore year, she got pregnant. She didn’t come to school for nine months, we knew of course, and she was huge, she was being home schooled.” Chris said.

Nora gave her a disgusted look and let go of her. “How dare you.”

“Are you always vying for attention?” I asked her. “Are you really that desperate?”

A crazy woman’s best tactic, is that you never know when she’ll attack.

No one saw it coming, she lunged for me. She started yelling and kicking me.

“You emo cow, it’s your fault Dominic and I aren’t together anymore.” she said trying to hit my face, but I had my arms covered over my face. I refused to look like shit on my wedding day. “This should have been my engagement party. Ah.” she screamed.

Then the weight was gone. I looked up Cody had Cassandra in his arms, Ashley was rushing to me, asking if I was OK.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. A little spooked, but fine none the less.” I assured her as I watched Dominic and Cody take Cassandra out of the house.

“Savanna?” Dominic asked from outside our bathroom door.

“What?” I asked frostily.

After Cassandra had ‘left’ everyone left to go to their hotel, seeing as we didn’t have enough room here.

“What’s wrong? Are you still mad about dinner?”

“Yes, you pompous asshole.”

“Wait! What did I do?”

I opened the door, changed and ready for bed. “You just sat there, and let Nora humiliate me in front of your whole family, you didn’t even tell her to stop or go easy, nothing. It was like you agreed with her about everything. My education, manners, hair, style, eyes. It’s like you...never mind.” I said crawling into bed, I couldn’t be bothered to go to a different room, I was too tired.

“What? Like I what?” he asked, suddenly angry.

“Like you don’t even LOVE ME!” I yelled at him, tears escaping my eyes. I swiped at them furiously. “I did all that crap to myself today for you and your damned family.”

He laughed, the little asshole laughed at me.

I gritted my teeth.

“I’m sorry Vanna. I never meant for you to fell that way, of course I love you, how could I not? Your smart, talented, funny, and everything I could ever want. I didn’t say anything because my grandmother needed to be out in her place, and only you could have done that. They rest of the family is just too afraid to give her a dose of reality. As for the way you are, I love you black hair and blue and green eyes. I love you tattoo’s and piercings, I love you the way you are. Your perfect.”

I smiled at him, he could always make me not mad at him. I don’t know how, but he did.

He pulled me on top of him and started to kiss me.

“Are. You. Still. Mad. At . Me?” he asked between kisses.

I shook my head, and felt the smile on his lips.

Soon there were no clothes between us, he flipped us over so that he was on top. He got off of me, and I whimpered. He laughed.

He began to lick his way up my body.

Fifteen minutes of this and I was going crazy.

“Please, Nick,” I panted. “Please.”

He smirked at me, knowing what I was begging for.

He got up and came between my legs, he bent down and kissed me. Then he surged into me.

“Damn babe, I don’t think I will ever get used to you. Making love to you is better than anything I’ve ever done.”

“That’s because you love me you doofus.” I said laughing lightly.

“This is totally random, but wanna hear another reason why that might have been great?” I asked him.

He nodded.

“Ok, well it could be because girls have unique magic tricks; we can get wet without water, bleed without injury, and make boneless things hard.”

He just started at me, and then burst out laughing.

“I knew there was a reason I was marrying you. Not only gorgeous, but funny too.”

I kissed him. “Night Dominic. I love you.”

“‘Night Vanna, I love you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
That last part was something I read on my friends profile, and just had to put it in there. I hope you like.

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xoxo Natasha <3