I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!


A month later.

I had been in Los Angeles for a month. And I still knew no one. Dominic never took me out, or anything. I have not once met any of his friends, but I have seen them on Perez with him coming out of a club.

I had asked him why he never took me out with him, as he got ready to go out yet again.

“Because no one wants someone who looks like you in their club.” he had snarled back at me, even though I had asked him very nicely.

I didn’t get it, most of the boys I had gone out with in Santa Fe had obviously thought I was pretty. My family had blond hair, aquamarine or emerald eyes, and tan skin, but for some odd reason I was born with black hair, and it wasn’t a flat black either. It was a shiny black, that when in the right light would look like I had blue streaks in it. I had gotten both colored eyes, my left eye was a bright emerald with flecks of aquamarine and my right was, bright aquamarine with flecks of emerald. I was pale but not in a sickly way. And I was skinny, like model skinny, but I had curves. Becka had said the only reason all those guys had gone out with me was because of my chest, my chest wasn’t like out there but it was still hard to miss, I was a 34 C.

I woke up very groggy the next day, Dominic wasn’t beside me when I woke up. Which wasn’t unusual.

He probably didn’t come back last night, I thought to myself. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth before I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

When I got into the kitchen I didn’t notice Dominic had his friends over, I had put in my I-pod before coming down silence in a big house is just creepy, until he had come over to me and tapped me on my shoulder.

Finally I noticed his friends. I also noticed that they were looking at me funny.

That night I had gone to bed in black short shorts and a Hell Bunny tee. I knew that they were looking at me funny because of my piercings and tattoos. I had a nose ring, and a monroe on my face. I had eight piercings on my left ear and five on my other. And I’m planning to get my naval pierced soon.

I had a tattoo behind my ear and on my neck of flowers. I had one on my inner wrist that says ‘love’, and one on my lower back that has a barcode, before they became clique, and ‘Vanna’ above it.

There were two girls, and I guessed that they probably only had their naval pierced. They all looked like they had just stepped out of a Barney’s catalogue.

“Um, hi?” I said.

Dominic’s friends all glared at me except for one girl.

The girl who didn’t glare at me had long wavy strawberry blond hair, big grey eyes, and a curvy body. She wasn’t fat, but she wasn’t exactly stick thin either. She had on a peace logo t-shirt and baby phat skinny jeans, and black Nike sneakers. She smiled at me. And said hi back.

“So,” said the other girl, in an annoying voice, like you know in those movies where the popular girl has that really annoying high voice? Yeah, that’s her. “ you’re the emo bitch who stole my boyfriend? Tonya.” she sneered.

God, I thought, why must everyone call me that? It’s really annoying. And how did she even know that?

I looked her up and down. She had on black Manolo Blahnik shoes and a black solid crepe jumper dress by Betsey Johnson. The dress didn’t even come up mid-thigh. She had shoulder length brunette hair a greenish brown eyes. She looked a little like that girl from ‘that 70's show’, Jackie Burkhart.

“Yup, and you must be the LA whore.” she looked stunned when I said that. I didn’t even know why I said that...maybe it was just because I was very pissed off today. “And it’s Savanna.”

“Did you just call me a whore, little miss misery?” I nodded my head, oops, it just slipped out.“Why don’t you, like, go cut yourself Tonya.” she told me as she walked out of the kitchen.

“You had to do that because..” Dominic asked me.

I shrugged. He and his friends left to try and ‘console’ the girl. Only the one who smiled at me had stayed back.

“Hi,” she said in a really happy, perky voice. “My name’s Ashley. Sorry about Cassandra, she’s just mad that she and Nick had to break up. She really liked him.”

“Yeah, it’s ok. I’m Savanna by the way...um...do you think you could tell her that I’m sorry?” I asked Ashley shyly. I was starting to feel really bad about what I had said. “I didn’t mean to be so rude to her. It was uncalled for.”

She looked at me funny. “What are you talking about? She was out of line calling you a bitch and you know it.”

I smiled at that. “You sound like my best friend, Rebecka, she use to say the same thing to me.”

“What is your problem?” Dominic asked as me after his friends had left. “Why did you flip out at Cassandra?”

I looked down. “Sorry, I know it was rude. I didn’t mean for it to come out.”

wow, I thought, I have major self confidence issues. That really wasn’t my fault...I am so screwed up.

“...was rude. Don’t talk to my friends like that.”

“Ok, can you tell her I’m sorry?”

“Whatever,” he answered. “By the way, I’m having a party this Friday. Just stay out of the way ok?”

Why couldn’t I be there? I mean I live here too. Instead of saying that out loud I just nodded.

“I don’t want anyone knowing that I have to marry you.” I thought I heard him mumble after a while.
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I'm thinking of putting another story on here. It's already on Quizilla, it's about a stripper that has to get married. If you think I should, please message me!