I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!



'If U seek Amy' blasted though the stereo system.

Amy told me that she's gonna meet me up
I don't know where or when
And now they're closing up the club
I've seen her once or twice before she knows my face
But it's hard to see
With all the people standing in the way

Oh Oh
Tell me have you seen her
'Cause I'm so
Oh I can't get her off of my brain
I just want to go to the party she gon' go...

There were so many people in the house it was scary. It had taken my an hour to find an empty room. Everywhere had teenagers in it, the pool house, guest house, home theater, game room, spare rooms, etc. For some odd reason there where even people in the gym. Nice thing about having a party, is that people will avoid a library at anytime.

The library was so nice. It had a separate room with all the books and a desk, another room the was Dominic's office, and a T.V room with a love seat and pull out couch.

I could faintly hear the music coming from the sound system. Thankfully, the library had a t.v in here and a couch, or I would have been very bored. One can only read for so long you know? I sat there watching the Hills.

Someone tapped on my shoulder as the Hills went on commercial. I looked up and saw Ashley smiling down at me, she had a big bad over her shoulder.

“Hey, what are you doing here all alone? You do know that there’s a party going on right?” she asked me smirking.

“Yes, I do know that.” I said in a small voice. “But, Dominic doesn’t want me around. He said that I should stay out of the way...so that’s what I’m doing.”

She shook her head. “You really should stop listening to Nick. He’s just keeping you from the party because he plans to flirt with a couple girls and Cassandra. He doesn’t like you, not that he really knows you. He even told Cody that he thought that you were ugly. But obviously he’s blind, you are so beautiful. Like, I absolutely adore your black hair, and your eyes. I’ve never met anyone with hair almost to their waist or blue and green eyes.”

I laughed at her, and she gave me a funny look. “I’m not beautiful, cute maybe, but not beautiful. My siblings loved to make fun of my hair saying I look like a wanna be Rapunzel, and my parents were always telling me to get contacts and pick a color because having two different colored eyes was not proper. And who’s Cody?”

Ashley’s mouth dropped. “Your family is insane...Cody is Nick’s best friend, speaking of Nick, I’ve decided that you need to make him so how gorgeous you are. So,” she said holding up her bag. “I’ve brought a couple things.”

She had a glint in her eye that I didn’t like. “What are you going to do?” I asked her as she dragged me out of the library, through the noisy house and to my room.

“Make. Nick. Want. You.” she replied saying each word with distinction.

Half and hour later, my hair was in a high ponytail, my skin looked less pale, and I was in a baby phat halter monokini.

“Ashley, I don’t now about this.” I looked at myself in the mirror. “I look like a hooker, that’s going to the beach. I mean this thing is making my chest very noticeable, and there are a lot of guys downstairs.”

She laughed. “That’s the point.” she told me adjusting her baby phat tankini. “We want boys chasing after you so Nick will get jealous. I mean it would still probably anger him if other guys were hitting on you and you two are engaged. By the way, i like your tattoo's.”

She was referring to the tattoo's i had on my chest, it was like Eve's, but said 'Laugh' and 'Smile'.

We put on our cover-ups and went downstairs and outside to the pool. Ashley lead me over to a couple of lounge chairs that weren’t being used. We took off, me very reluctantly, our cover-ups and laid down on the chairs. I saw Dominic look, glare actually, at me as sat down with Ashley. I also saw that before he turned to glare at me, he had been sucking on a very pretty girl’s face. He turned away from me and started making out with the girl again.

“And let the games begin.” Ashley murmured. “I give it less than ten minutes.”

She was right...in less than ten minutes a couple of guys came over and were flirting non-stop.

This, I thought, was my element.

When boys started flirting with me, I get really happy. I don’t really know why, Becka says that it’s because my parents never paid attention to me, so I basked in the attention that I got from guys, because it made me feel good about myself and loved.

It was probably true. That’s why I have gone out with so many guys, most of them I didn’t even like. I only went out with them because it made me happy to have someone who paid attention to me or said they loved me. Of course, they didn’t but it was just nice to hear.

A guy, who said his name was Steven, sat down on my lounge chair and started flirting with me. Like I said before, I’m good at it.

Twenty minutes later he asked me if I wanted to go inside.

“Sure.” I said giving him a flirtatious smile. I turned to Ashley, who had a guy of her own with her. “Ashley? You don’t mind do you?”

She waved her hand at me. “Not at all. Go have fun.” she told me without looking away from her guy.

As we walked into the house, I could feel someone’s eyes on me. Steven put his arm around me as I led him to the library, knowing that no one would be in there.

I could tell that he wasn’t looking for anything serious as he led me over to the couch. We sat down and started making out. He kissed me like he was trying to devour me. Before I knew it I was on my back and he was on top of me. He had taken off the cover up that I had put back on before we came inside. By the way he was moving, and feeling me up, he obviously planned on getting some tonight. But that wasn’t going to happen I was a virgin, and I planned to keep it that way until I found somebody that I loved enough to give it away.

Next thing I knew, his weight had disappeared. And standing over me was a very angry, very pissed Dominic. Even angry, he was still very good looking.

Crap, why am I thinking that? He doesn’t even like me, he thinks I’m ugly.

He turned to look at Steven who had gotten up from the floor. “What the hell? I told you to never come here again. Not after last time, besides this is my fiancé.”

Steven’s eyes widened as he looked at me. “Are you serious?” he asked me.

I nodded, and he left.

Dominic’s gaze turned back to me. I looked down, picked up my cover up from the floor, where Steven had put it when he had taken it off, and got up from the couch and left the room. I could hear Dominic calling me back, but I ignored him and went up to our room.

When I got into the room, I unlocked the door, and went straight to the shower. I was in there for about an hour.

When I got out, I noticed that I couldn’t hear the music anymore. I wrapped myself in towel, and went on my computer. I decided to see if Becka had replied to the last email I had sent her.

She did. She told me that she liked her new school and had made some new friends, but none of them were like me, that no one there made fun of her clothing, a lot because there were others who dressed like us.

I’m happy for you Becka. I haven’t met anyone I liked, and I probably won’t...well there is this one girl named Ashley. She’s pretty nice to me. Dominic’s having a party today, more like right now, and told me to stay out of the way. I did until Ashley came and found me. She put me into a one piece, that was very cute...but not on me...it made my chest very noticeable, and brought me outside to the pool. this guy Steven came up to me and started flirting...and yes we did go back to a room, more like the library, and made out. I was pretty sure he was gunna try and get some, but then out of no where Dominic came in and told him to like leave, cuz I was his fiancé. I didn’t get it, this boy is always so mean to me. Like remember when I told you about the Cassandra thing? Again, I’m happy for you. I wish there were people here who were like that. But no, everyone at school just stares and me or my piercings and tattoos.

Vanna, <3.

“Why did he get all mad?” I asked myself aloud.

“Because you’re my fiancé and you were sucking on some guy’s face.”

I jumped, and turned to the door way. There Dominic stood, with arms crossed and a serious expression on his face.

“You were ‘sucking’ on some girl’s face when I came out, too.” I informed him.

“Yeah,...well that’s just....whatever.” he stuttered trying to find a reason to explain his actions. “Everyone knows that I flirt and hook up, but you, for you to do it is just weird. I’m mean have you looked in a mirror, because let me-.”

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked tears welling up. “Why do you think I’m so ugly? All those guys downstairs didn’t think so. They thought I was pretty, even Ashley thinks I’m pretty.”

“I never-.” he tried to say, but I cut him off.

“You may never have said it, but you always imply it. Like I’m the ugliest thing out there. Just...just leave me alone Dominic.” I told him as I turned away from him and turned on the t.v

I had the weirdest dream that night, I had dreamt that Dominic had come back into the room. He had come and laid down on his side of the bed, and faced me. And started talking to me while I was asleep.

“Savanna, are you asleep?” he had asked me. I knew I was dreaming then, he never called me Savanna. He had taken my silence as the answer. “Look, I’m sorry for being such a jerk. I just don’t know how else to act around you, this is how I’ve always acted around the girls I didn’t like. And your not like other girls I've met, you shy and self conscious. Your not sure of anything you do and when someone is rude to you and you say something back, you apologize, even if it is their fault.

"I didn't want Steven near you because the last time he came to one of my parties, he tried to rape a girl. i didn't want that to happen to you. your too nice." he laid down on his side of the bed, before he went to sleep he muttered "you looked nice in that swimsuit, and i liked your tattoo."