I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!


Friday (Dominic’s Back)

I was in the pool when I heard the front door slam. I knew Dominic was home but didn’t bother to see him. I was really annoyed today.

I heard the backdoor open and close but didn’t move or open my eyes.

“Tonya!” Dominic yelled at me. Obviously he was in a bad mood.

My eyes opened, it wasn’t only Dominic, but a few of his friends that had come back with him. I sighed. “Don’t call me that, and what?”

“My mother called.” he didn’t ask me he told me. I nodded. “And where did you tell her I was?”

“Like I said before, I told her you went out. She just told me that she wouldn’t be able to help out with the wedding arrangements and that we would have to do it ourselves. But she and your dad had already taken care of some things for us.

“But since you were gone, I did some of the things and the only thing you have to do by yourself is book a ticket for us to go on our honeymoon and a few other things.” I finished, cringing at the thought of a honeymoon with him, as I got out of the pool.

I was starting to look like a prune, I had been in there for hours.

I was about to walk into the house when Dominic grabbed my arm...tightly.

“And how did you get to all these places?” he asked, seething.

“Dominic, let go of me. Your hurting me.” I told him, as I looked into his eyes. His pupils were the size of dinner plates. I looked at his friends, their eyes were the same.

“Answer the fucking question.” wow he was really mad, and they smelled...shit. They’re drunk.

“I drove.” As I said this his grip tightened. “Ow, Dominic let go.”

“Which car?”

“The BMW series 3. Wh-?” I didn’t get to finish.

He slapped me.

I was on the ground, holding my cheek. “What was that for?” I asked my eyes watering from the pain.

“Don’t drive my fucking cars, you emo bitch.” obviously he was drunk like I had thought, because although he is a total asshole to me, he wouldn’t just slap me cuz I drove his car.

He and his friends looked at me for a moment before concern shone in their eyes.

What. The. Fuck?

Dominic bent down to help me up, but I shoved him away.

“Leave me alone, Dominic.” I told him as I got up and went back inside.

I went into my bedroom, took a shower, and put on a pair of yellow boy shorts, and a blue 'Hello Kitty' top. I didn’t want to sleep in the same house as Dominic, let alone the same room.

I heard him and his friends laughing in the kitchen. Quietly, I went back outside and into the guest house. I went in a looked around for a bedroom. When I found one, I went in locked the door, and went to sleep.

Someone was pushing me and telling me to wake up.

I groaned, and opened my eyes. As soon as I did...I regretted it. Sitting on the guest bed was, not Dominic, but his best friend, Cody.

“What do you want, asshole?” I snarled at him.

“Woah, calm down. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry about yesterday. I should have stopped him. I don’t know what came over me, I wasn’t even drunk.

“You know, I didn’t really like you?” I raised my eyebrow at him. He smiled. “Ok, I guess it was kind of obvious. But the reason I didn’t like you was because Nick didn’t like you. He said that you were ruining his life and this would totally fuck with his plans. But, after awhile I started to like you. I mean we hardly talked, but Nick would say that you never retaliated when he was rude to you and that day when we left for New York, you were so nice especially to Cassandra, even though she didn’t deserve it.”

“Why are you saying this?” I asked him. “Did Dominic put you up to this? To say that he was sorry? Because if he did, tell him apology not accepted.”

He shook his head. “Naw, I’m saying this cuz I mean it. I’m sorry for being such a jerk to you over the last month.”

He seemed genuine enough. I smiled at him and told him it was ok. No harm, no foul. Just as I hugged him Dominic came in.

“What the hell man?” he stuttered.

I had been happy, but now I was just pissed off. I looked over to the clock and it said 1:00.

Crap, I need to go. I was supposed to go to meet Ashley downtown today. She had called me yesterday and said to meet her there at 3. It would take me at least an hour to get ready, and another half hour to get downtown.

“...sorry.” obviously Dominic had been talking to me. But I hadn’t noticed.

“Hmm?” I said to him. “I didn’t catch that.”

“I said I was sorry for slapping you last night, Savanna. It wa-”

I held up my hand. “Save it Dominic, I don’t care anymore. You don’t want to marry me? Fine, I don’t want to either. But we have to, so what I want you to do today is find somewhere where we can go for our honey moon. I don’t care where, because I know you’ll just be off having sex with some girl.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go get ready.”I told Cody and Dominic, as I got up and set off for the main house. I didn’t even care that he had finally called me Savanna.

When I got back downstairs, Dominic was standing at the front door. I tried to side step him but he just moved in front of me, blocking my way.

I rolled my eyes. “Can you move? I have to be somewhere.”

“And where might that be?”

“Downtown. I’m meeting someone.”

Dominic was about to say something, but was interrupted. “Want a ride?” said a voice from behind me.

I turned and saw Cody. “Sure, I think she wanted to take me somewhere, and it would be better if I didn’t have a car.”

“I don’t think so.” Dominic butted in. “Your not going downtown. I want to talk to you. Especially not in that.”

I scoffed. “Yes I am, and we have nothing to talk about. You don’t dictate my life. Maybe, if you actually like me and weren’t so mean, I would listen and stay but I’m not gunna. I’ll see you later, come on Cody.”

I shoved Dominic out of my way and made my way to Cody’s blue 2009 Lamborghini LP560-4

Ashley had taken me to Santa Monica. I had never been there but it was really nice. She took me shopping and then to a club called Jinx. I got a little plastered, and so did Ashley.

So, I didn’t know how I got back to the house that night, but I did remember a very beautiful guy taking me and Ashley to the door and an angry Dominic.