I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!


Chapter 4

~Dominic’s POV~

“Dude, you need to lighten up. She’s actually really cool.” Cody told me when he came back from dropping Savanna off downtown.

Traitor, I thought. He was supposed to be one my side, not liking her because she ruined my life.

I shook my head. “No, she’s not she’s annoying and rude.”

“No she’s not. Your just seeing what you expect to see. If you opened your eyes, you would notice that when you yell or make fun of her, she says she’s sorry and tries to fix it. But she can’t fix anything when you deliberately try and find her faults.

“She’s trying to make this work Nick, but you won’t let it. I don’t know what you see when you look at her, but what I see is a girl who is trying her hardest and taking all this crap from you. She’s insecure, when people say she’s something or ugly or whatever...she believes it. You need to lay off and get to know her better. And she told me that you said, or at least hinted, that she was ugly but, she is actually really pretty.” And with that Cody left, not giving me a chance to say anything back. Leaving me to think about what he said.

It was almost three in the morning, and Savanna wasn’t back yet, nor had Ashley called.

I was just about to ring Savanna on her phone when the door bell rang. I went to the door and opened it.

It was Savanna and Ashley...and some guy . Ashley and Savanna were hanging on the guys arms. Ashley looked very spaced out and Savanna was looking at him dreamily.

For some reason that made me angry.

“Are you Dominic?” the guy asked.

I nodded.

“Um...well, Savanna and Ashley told me to bring them here. We met at Jinx and they got too wasted to walk out of the club, let alone drive home. So, I offered to drive them. I’m Evan, by the way.”

My eyes narrowed. “Well, thanks. I’ll take them from here.” I told him, pulling Ashley and Savanna into the house.

“Bye, Evan.” Savanna called to him huskily.

I decided to brush that off on the fact that she was wasted.

“Bye, Vanna.” Evan said as he went down the front steps and to his car.

I closed the door and lead Savanna to our bedroom before leading Ashley to a spare bedroom down the hall from mine. I made sure Ashley got into bed before going back to my room.

When I got into the room Savanna was on the bed, staring at the ceiling, still in the outfit she had worn this afternoon, she was obviously to tired...or drunk to change.

We needed to talk.

“Savanna, we need to talk.” I told her, she didn’t look away from the ceiling.

“OK, about what?” her words were slightly slurred.

“About why you were being stupid. Letting some guy drive you home? He probably just wanted to get in your pants. What’s wrong with you?”

“Do you know what my favorite color is?” she asked randomly, not answering my question.

I sighed. “I dunno, pink? But what does that have to do with anything?” I asked.

“I hate the color pink. Do you know what my favorite food is? Or my favorite subject was? Or where I would love to go?”

I shook my head, of course I didn’t know the answer. “No, I don’t but I doubt you know that abou-.”

“Your favorite color is gold, your favorite food is onigiri, your favorite subject was business, and you would love to go to Greece, again.

“My favorite color is blue not pink, I love Italian apple cake, my favorite subject was third period because i always skipped with Becka, and I would love to go to Italy because it’s supposed to be a beautiful place and the language is the language of love.” but she wasn’t done yet. “And to answer you questions: I wasn’t thinking, I was-am- drunk. He didn’t want to get in my pants, and I’m sorry for being stupid. It won’t happen again.”

Cody was right, she was insecure about herself. She apologized for doing nothing wrong, she said she wouldn’t do it again when, what she did today was what I did every night.

“How do you know all this stuff about me?” I asked her quietly.

She sighed heavily. “When you were in New York I had to plan some of the wedding. I had been snooping around for two days and found out what your favorite color was so I could pick a color scheme and our rings....and I know you hate me and don’t want to get married, but if you decided to not go through with this...just don’t send me back to Santa Fe.” she mumbled.

I thought about that for a moment, I turned to say something to her but, she was out like a light.

She had found out my favorite color to pick out a wedding scheme? And she had found rings...that was supposed to be the husband-to-be’s job. God I suck as a fiancé, first I insult her about how she looks and then leave her here for a week, yet she had stayed.

And now she was telling me she didn’t want to leave?...or at least for me not to send her back home. Why did she hate it there so much?