I Don't Know Him...I Hate Him...and I Have To Get Married To Him?!



Thanksgiving was soon, and my family and Dominic’s had flown into Los Angeles to spend it with us...to my utter disappointment.

Amalee was constantly flirting with Dominic, even thought he was my fiancé, and he flirted back. We had made up since Halloween and were getting along again.

Brady was going out every night with some friends he had met here. My parents were just criticizing everything I did and said. They had said my colors for the wedding were bad, and that it should only be gold because blue is a revolting color and I looked hideous in it. They were just being their normal evil selves.

“Dinner, is ready.” I said as I stepped into the family room where everybody was sitting.

It was thanksgiving and I had cooked dinner. The chief, Harold, wasn’t here because I had told him last week to go and be with his family. So for the past week I’ve been cooking dinner.

I had already brought the food into the dining room. Dominic and his father sat on either end of the tables head, the rest of us were on the side. I was beside Dominic and Ginger was beside Marcus.

I had brought up a few bottles of wine from the cellar, I still couldn’t get over the fact that there was a wine cellar in the houses, and already poured some into everyone’s glasses.

Everyone sat and ate. Ginger, Marcus, and I talked about the wedding while Amalee and Dominic flirted, Brady tried to eat as fast as possible, and my parents spoke among themselves.

Since I had told the staff in the house to go home for the holiday, I was left cleaning up the dishes. Ginger had offered to help me, we chatted while I washed and she dried.

“So, how are you and Dominic getting along?” she asked me after a comforting silence.

“OK, I guess. We have our moments when we get very angry at each other-” which is most of the time. “but then, there are the times when we get along really well.”

“I’m happy for you two. When I heard that the press conference we put together for you two went well, well I knew that this had been a good choice.” she smiled.

Yeah, it’s great. I get ignored and then he’ll pay attention to me. Your son is bi-polar.

We were in the family room talking about the wedding yet again. Brady, Amalee, and Dominic were no where to be found. I know Brady had gone out again, but I didn’t know where Amalee and Dominic were.

“So, have you picked out bridesmaids and a maid of honor?” Ginger asked me.

“Well, I was going to ask my best friend Rebecka, but she isn’t answering my emails. So, I don’t really have one. But Ashley is going to be a bridesmaid, and so is my new friend Evan.” I started to giggle as I pictured Evan coming down the isle in front of me.

Ginger laughed with me. “Well, I’m sure he’ll make a nice bridesmaid. Have you picked out the design for the dresses?”

I shook my head. “I can’t figure out what I want them to look like. But I have plenty of time to figure it out. But I did pick out a dress for you and my mother. Would you like to see?”

When I said this my mother’s head snapped to look at me. She probably thought I had picked out something ugly, she reluctantly nodded. While Ginger nodded with delight.

I went upstairs to my room, go the dresses and came back down. I had bought two for Ginger to pick from and two for my mother to pick from.

I had gone through a lot of pink and white for my mother’s dress, and had had to stay away form pink for Ginger because pink didn’t look good on brunettes.

“So you can pick with one you like best and then I’ll return the other one to the store. If the dresses are too short or too long we can have the fixed. But they are like that because I wanted to show that you both still have beautiful figures....even at your ages.” I smiled.

Ginger playfully scowled at me.

My mother decided on the pink strapless dress, like I knew she would, and Ginger picked the black one with yellow underneath because she said she wouldn’t be able to dance in the hunter green.

As I was walking up to my room to put away the dresses, and find the receipt for the rejected dresses, I heard grunting and moaning. It was coming from Amalee’s room. I went to her door and put my ear to it.

“Dominic,” she moaned.

“Yeah, baby.” Dominic answered.

I stood there stunned.

She is my sister! How could he do this? No wait, how could she do this? We were flesh, blood, we came from the same goddamn womb for crying out loud.

I knocked on her door and heard the swear.

“Come in.” Amalee said breathlessly.

I stepped in. “Hey, did I disturb you?”

“Yeah,” she said snidely. “What do you want?”

“Do want to come to my wedding?” I asked her.

She looked taken aback, but answered anyway. “Yeah...why?”

I answered her question with a question. “Why do you want to come? So you can meet someone? I just want to know because you’ve never showed that you even liked me in my eighteen years of life.”

“Of course I want to meet someone. But I kinda want to see you get married, I guess.”

I nodded my head. “Since Becka isn’t returning my emails, I was going to ask you if you wanted to be my maid of honor...” her face lit up. “But then, I heard you. Dominic, get your slimy cheating ass out of the bathroom.”

Amalee looked stunned and so did Dominic as he came out.

He tried to explain. “I...that is we...I can explain...w-”

I laughed and cut him off. “‘I can explain’? Everyone says that when there is really nothing to explain but the truth and there trying to find a lie to say. You were having sex with my sister you sleaze bag. I really actually thought that you were starting to like me...again. I told you on Halloween to not lead me on.

“And you.” I said turning on Amalee. “Don’t even think about coming to the wedding because I will kick you out, I’ll even do it myself.” I turned back to Dominic. “You know, I really was starting to like you. And then you go and do this!”

“Well maybe if you put out a little and stopped being so fucking annoying I wouldn’t do this.” he yelled at me, that made me cry and him even madder. “See, this is what I mean. You get sad so easily, I can’t have a wife like you so you’ll just have to get used to this.”

I turned and ran out of the room and back downstairs, to where my and Dominic’s parents were.

I still had tears in my eyes when I reached the living room. “Is there anyway to get out of this marriage?”

They looked stunned.

“I thought you said you and Nicky were getting along Savanna.” Ginger answered after a long silence.

“We were and the he went and fucking slept with AMALEE! Please, is there anyway?”

My father shook his head. “There is but, we won’t do it. Your mother and I would have to go to court to get the contract to be invalid. And that is just too much work.”

“You mean,” I said furious. “ that you don’t want me. You’re a bastard, both of you, and I hate you. I hope you burn.”

I ran for the door, and opened it to see someone, about to ring the door bell. He had the same shaped eyes that I did, and mouth. He had the same straight, bluish black hair that I did.

But I didn’t care, he was in my way and needed to move.

“Who are you and what the hell do you want?” I spit at the stranger.

He looked taken aback, but answered anyway. “I’m your father, and I want to talk to you.”

I stared at him...and everything I had been through in the last few months and hours all came rushing back on me.

Then, everything went black.
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