Cold Blood is Thicker

"Vampires aren't human, so why should we live by a human moral code?"

Life for Orri has always been rather lacklustre. Just like a lot of people, he just manages to balance work, university and family life. Living with albinism just puts up social barriers until he finds himself almost completely alone.

But one night Orri is innocently walking home to his apartment and finds himself suddenly kidnapped by a strange gang lead by Charlie, the tall, dark and mysterious man who promises Orri something he can't even fathom. The people are a gang of vampires moving all across the continent in search of victims for all eternity. Charlie wants Orri to join them. Without much of a choice, he submits, and becomes a creature of the night.

What happens when being part of a vampire clan isn't as great as it seems? What happens when Orri gets caught up in the mess of lies, violence, hatred, lust and love that is the gang, and it gets out of hand?