I Call Them Family, You Call Them Famous.


"Sanders! Report!" General Burch called.

"Left wing is clear sir, no sights of anything unusual,'I reported.

"Alright, you may report back to base. But i need you and Adams here at 6am sharp, understood?"He asked.

"Sir, yes,sir,"I saluted him and walked back to my base.

"Hey Harm," Mikey greeted, Mikey ,or Adams as genaral calls him, he was my best friend here. We had a shit load in common.

"Hey mikey,"I said grabbing an apple from on of the boxes and taking off my camoflouge jacket.

"You got mail,"Mikey stated and threw an envelope at me.
I smiled and opened it up quickly and smiled when i saw the guys all wrote on the same paper.

Dear daughter(i still love saying that),
We just finished up with our new tour and Zacky and Jimmy have been writing some new shit. I miss you a shit load. Dont let the army fuckers walk all over you either. Your a tough girl, show them. keep safe.
Muuch love,

Yea, i just called you kid. Get over it. I miss you a hell of a lot. We deticate gunslinger to you everytime we play it, which is every show.The fans wear army shirts to the shows now with the name 'H. Sanders' on the back. Its fucking awsome, each of the guys bought one from some kid. We miss you, be safe.
old Man,

My beloved sister,
I miss having you around to toture thte shit out of you. Just kiddin. But i hope your diong good in Iraq. We watch the news every day. We hope for your safe fucking return. How long has it been? A month? Fuck, thats a long time without you. In my clothing line theres a shirt deticated just for you. Its a picture of and army person, their head bowed down. On the back it says 'Love it or Die.' Its fucking awsome. Well, i miss you. Keep Safe.
Your Bro,

Short Shit #2,
HI! I miss you fuck load...thats all i have to say.
Love you mucho! I spoke Spanish! Love you. Be safe.
Jimmy aka: Streatch.

Fellow short shit,
I miss you a hell of a lot, im sure you've heard that 50 times by now. but its true, well all miss you. make sure to be safe, and dont drop the soap!
... wait thats jail. nevermind. love you, be safe.
Johnny Christ

I smiled at the short letters, i thought it was cute how they all said they miss me and be safe.

"Wanna get some grub, im hungry,"Mikey asked me, standing up and streatching.

"Fuck yea, my fatass needs to eat!"i laughed and stood up also.

We walked over to the 'grub shack'(as Mikey calls it).
"So, general saidhe wants us at 6 am sharp,"I told Mikey sticking a spoon full of chili in my mouth.

Mikey sighed,"Figures. Left wing all clear?"

I nodded,"Yeap. I didnt see anything suspicious."

Mikey nodded and took a bit of his bread,"So--"

Mikey was interrupted by the sound of a loud siren.

I got up and ran toward base, Mikey close behind.
I slipped on my jacket, and my bullet proof vest. Then grabbed my helmet.

'Harmony, hurry up!"Mikey called.

I grabbed my rifle and other guns and ran out, following Mikey.

Gun shots were already being fired in the distance.

"Fuck! And its getting dark,"Mikey cursed now crouching down and steadily walking.

I followed suit.

The gun shots were getting louder.
And soldiers were running around like chickens.

"Fuck,"I hissed and dove into a fox hole.

"Harmony!"I heard Mikeys voice yell.

But it was late.

I flew into the air, the bomb had launched me almost 25 feet away.

I landed with a hard thud on my back, i screamed out in pain,"Shit!"

"Shit,shit, shit,'Mikey ran over to me.

I clentched my jaw.

suck it up

"Im fine,"I said stumbling up,"Im fine, lets go."

We crounched down once more. Mikey walked hastly forward, while i limped.

Mikey pulled me behind the sand bags and started shooting.
I leaned against the bags and breathed heavily.

I flipped over and laid my gun on the sand bag.
Aimed, and fired.

Men dropped like flies.
Some still shot while wounded, from the ground.

Screams were heard all around. It wasnt disneyland.

"Duck for cover!"

I tucked my knees in and heard the bomb explode.

The bomb tossed me no more than 7 feet, ,but it was enough to get me in the open.

Which meant i was very fucking vunerable.

I stumbled up and crouched, trying to conceal myself within the large dust cloud.

No avail.

I screamed in pain as a bullet went straight through my vest and into my side.
A man stood above me when i fell, a gun pointed to my head.

I closed my eyes and prayed for god to tell the guys i love them.


I heard the shot, but felt no pain.
I opened my eyes and saw Mikey aiming the gun at the dead body that lay next to me.

He quickly turned to me, it was them i noticed i was gasping for air.

Mikey picked me up and ran to the sandbags.

I stayed there for 4 hours. Until no more shots were fired.

Mikey picked me up, but i was slipping into and out of conciousness.

All light faded into black.
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how is it?
Comments are loved.