I Call Them Family, You Call Them Famous.

Somedays I Wanna Quit, & Just be Normal For a Bit

The doctors face grew nervous,"It seems that both Zachary and Harmony had a reaction to the aesthetics we gave them."

This angered the 5 men.

"What the fuck does that mean? I thought the sergery went fucking fine?!"Matt belowed.

"It went fine, because it didnt happen,"The doctor stated,"Both of them went into cardiac arrest."

This caused the boys eyes to widened.

"F-for how long?"Johnny asked.

"10 mintes,"The doctor stated slowly.

"My daughter and my bestfriends heart stops for 10 mintutes, while my daughters kidney is failing and you tell us now!"Matt yelled once more,"I should fucking sue your ass!"

The doctor stepped back, the man was very intimitating.

"Sir, please, calm down,"The doctor asked.

Matt glared but leaned back in his seat and listened.

"Both of them are stable at the moment--"

"what the hell do you mean, at them moment?"Brian hissed.

"Well at the moment both Zachary and Harmony are getting blood test to make sure the aesthetic didnt add any toxins to the blood."

"Where are they?"Jimmy asked.
"Right now they're resting u--"

"I didnt ask that,"Jimmy stated, getting impatient.

"They're in a speacial room,"The doctor sighed.

"Together, right?"Brian asked.

The doctor nodded.
"Take us to them,"Matt ordered.

The doctor decided not to argued and walked them to the room of Baker/Sanders.

The boys were lead to a fairly large room, where to sleeping bodies remained.

Nurses were surronding the bodies, sticking neeldes and pulling blood.

Harmony and Zackys face, both pale white as a ghost.

The nurses rushed out of the room to examine the blood for anything.

Matt walked up and examined the faces of both Zacky and Harmony.

<<Time Elapse>>

The boys talked quietly as Zacky and Harmony slept.
Discussing random topics that would put smiles on their faces.

Like the time when Brian had pissed off Harmony so she swapped all of his guitar strings to a left handed. Leaving only a pink and purple guitar left that Brian had to use the entire show.

The doctor entered the room.

"whats up doc?"Jimmy asked.

"I have news concernin Harmony and Zachary,"He stated.

"What about them?"Matt asked getting nervous.

'There blood work shows that their related."
♠ ♠ ♠

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