I Call Them Family, You Call Them Famous.

Change or Die

"The Beast and the Harlot!"I yelled, Mikey rolled his eyes.

One of the nurses pissed me off bye eyeing Matt.
So i decided to piss her off and being majoyly annoying.

The nurse walked in, she put on a fake smile,"Could you please tone it down Ms.Sanders?"

I nodded,"Yes i could, ut i dont i would."

She huffed and stomped out of the room.

Matt chuckled,"Your going to make her hate working here aren't you?"

"Im gunna make her wish she worked in hell,"I smirked.
Zacky and Brian laughed.

"Alright, we gotta head back now,"Matt glanced at his watch,"See ya tomorrow sport."

all the guys stood up and placed a kiss on my forhead.

After they left I scooted to the edge of my bed so Mikey could lie down with me.

"So, how come your not in Iraq?"I asked him as he flipped through a magazine.
"They were gunna send that ass, George to watch you,"Makey started and i made a face,"So i decieded to offer and the general agreed and let me come."

"Why not visit family?"I asked.
He sighed,"I dont any family, my dad left when i was young. My ma died in 9/11. Thats why i joined the Army."

"Oh." Was the only sound that managed to escape my lips,"Im sorry i shouldnt--"

Mikey chuckled,"Its fine. No worries. Now get some sleep, i think the docs are running test tomorrow."

"Fucking joy,"I muttered.

"Happy?"He asked sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes,"Yes Mikey, im so fucking happy i could shit rainbows."

Mikey laughed and kissed my temple,"Nighty night."

And with that i feel into a dreamless sleep.

=Time Elapse=
"Are you serious?"I croaked out.
The doctor ran tests for fucking HOURS and now they're telling me i reall have to start all over.
I have to be in a wheel chair for a month, then some crutches things, then a cane then i will always have a slightly limp.

The doctor nodded looking through some paper work.

"That was the bad new Ms.Sanders,"The doctor smiled at me,"Good news is you can go home today."

I grinned,"Seriously?"

"Seriously,"He smiled and wheeled me back to the room where Mikey and the guys were waiting.

"I get to go home!"I yelled.

"We know! YAY!"Jimmy exclaimed.

Mikey grabbed my bags, and his, he would be staying with Matt,Val and me.

=At The House=
"The camera's are gone! And nobody screams, she couldnt survive her 15 minutes of fame," I yelled along with the music blasting from the radio in my room.
I was taking the guest room downstairs, scene it was easier considering i was know on wheels.


"Her friends are all gone, she's going insane,"Mikey sang along then laughed,"Hey sounds like you Harmony."

I smacked his chest playfully, Val dragged Matt to the grocery store to buy more food. So Mikey and i were lying down on my bed eaching Doritios and listeing to my music.

"Fuck you,"I chuckled.

"Really?"He raised an eyebrow,"Right here? Right now?"

I rolled my eyes,"Pervert."

"Yes but you love me anyway,"Mikey grinned, his dimples showing slightly.

I poked his cheek where his dimples showed,"Aw, look how cute Mikey looks."

A blush crept on his cheeks slightly which made me 'aw' louder just to bug him.
"You suck!"He pouted and hide his face in the pillow.

I laughed,"I rater not, its gross."

He laughed into the pillow at that.

"Were home!"Val yelled. She poked her head into my bedroom door just as Johnny Cash's Walk The Line began to play.

"Yay for Johnny Cash!"I laughed.
Matt looked at me funny.

"The pills make her loopy,"Mikey answered.

Matt nodded and i glared at Mikey,"Im not even on pills Mikey!"
Matt and Val laughed and Mikey gave me a cheesy grin.

"I keep a close watch on this heart of mine,"I said as i scooted over to the edge of the bed toward my wheel chair. I moved my feet over and pulled them off the bed. Then hopped into my wheel chair.

"I could of helped you know,"Mikey said ruffling his hair.
"You could have, not like i would of let you though,"I smiled and wheeled myself to the kitchen where Val and Matt where.

"Need help?"I asked.

"No," Matt and Val answered at the same time. I rolled my eyes.

"Want some help?"Mikey asked.
"Sure, could you put the ice in the ice chest outside?"Val asked.
"Hey!"i pouted.

"Sorry, we dont offer cripples jobs around here,"Matt laughed.

I narrowed my eyes,"You suck big fat balls Matt."

"Ew, i rather he didnt,"Val laughed.
"'The guys will be here any minute--"

Before Matt could finish his sentence the door bell rang.

"I want to get it,"I said wheeling myself over to the door.
I opened it and Jimmy looked over my head.

"Matt! A ghost opened your door!"He yelled in.

"Ha-fuckin-ha, i can still punch you in the Sullivan jewles,"I taunted.
Jimmy jumped back,"Okay! Sorry!"

I smiled and hugged him and the other guys..

"Hey hot wheels,"Zacky teased, i rolled my eyes,"Ya know, your wheel chair is boring. Next time im bringing spray paint and were gunna fucking pimp-the-chair."

I laughed,"Okay zacky."

Brian decided he wanted to wheel me round the house while Zacky sat on me

"Zacky! Your gunna hurt her legs!"Val yelled at him.

"Val ,i cant feel my legs,"I stated in a 'duh' tone.

"You will soon,"Mikey stated.

"I know, hopefully i will soon,"I stated.

"So, in 3 days we get the honor of hosting the MTV music award*,"Matt stated happily.

A grin spread across my face,"Really! Thats so fucking cool!"

"Yeap, and you get to host it with us,"Johnny smiled.

"Oh my fucking god!"I smiled,"I fuckin love you guys!"
"You should wear your dogtags,"Mikey stated pulling his dogtags out,"I still wear mine."

I pulled my dogtags out and the one the guys gave me before i left,"I still wear mine too."

"Oh my god, you still have that?"Brian asked coming over and inspecting it.
Of course i wore it all the time, even during battle.So the dogtag was all scratched up and the black kinda faded.

"Why's it all messed up?"Zacky asked.

"I wore it during battle,"I said.

"You still wore it?"Val asked.

"Yeap, it kept you guys close to my heart,"I laughed, realizing how cheesy that sounded.

"AW!"Everyone gushed at the same time.

"Screw you guys!"I laughed,"Dont even say it Mikey."

Mikey smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Lets party! Woo!"Jimmy yelled.

"Can i have a beer?"I asked.

Matt thought about it,"Just one."

I smiled, i've drank before. Matt was just being over protective.

The house phone rang and Matt answered.

"Yea....no.....no....no... no okay?..whatever..bye,"Matt hung up.

"Who was that?"Zacky asked.

"Press want to interview Harmony,"Matt rolled his eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
*i know they never hosted MTV music awards, remember this is after 2009.

sorry it was boring, more suspense soon. :)
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but not eh comments.