Meant for You


Jacob Black was patrolling the woods of La Push with Jared and Paul, when a thought of Bre crossed his mind. He could hear Paul's loud growl throughout the woods. Soon a large Grey wolf appears in front of Jacob, his teeth back in a snarl.

'Chill out Paul.' Jared warned in his thoughts.
'Not until he fucking agrees to leave Bre alone.' Paul spoke in his mind.
'I'm going to apologize to her, Paul. I need to make things right.' Jacob stated.
'Make things right? There is no making it right! You've fucking broke her heart, now leave her alone. You made your decision, you picked a leech lover. Now fucking live with it, Jacob.' Paul's thoughts said.

Jacob winced when he mentioned Bella Swan and Edward. He had always knew the Cullen's were a bit weird; but he would have never expected them to be vampires. He learned that all of the legends were true the night he morphed into a giant wolf.

'I care about Bre.' Jacob thought, hoping Paul would know how sincere he is.

Yet again, a growl could be heard throughout the woods. He could tell Paul was about to pounce on him at any minute. But he didn't care; he wouldn't back down. He did care about Bre.

'Stay away from her, Jacob. She's got enough on her plate, the last thing she needs is a new shape shifter around who could possibly hurt her. I'm staying away from her as much as possible, so I expect you to do the same.'
'I'm not staying away from her!' Jacob screamed in his thoughts, 'I need to apologize for being a dick head.'
'SHE'S NOT GOING TO ACCEPT IT.' Paul mentally yelled at him, "THAT'S WHY SHE'S STAYING AWAY FROM LA PUSH. SHE WANTS OVER YOU. Leave her alone and let her get over you.'

With that last sentence, Paul vanished into the bush, leaving Jacob and Jared back in the clearing. Jacob knew it was dangerous to see Bre, but he didn't want to leave things between them sour. But talking to her now would probably only tick Paul off even more, which was something he didn't want to do. Needless to say, Jacob hated his new life. He couldn't be with either of the girls he cared about. One hated him at the moment, while the other was dating his enemy, a vampire.

After an hour of patrolling the woods, Quil, Embry, and Sam came to take over. Jacob, Jared, and Paul were allowed to shift back human and enjoy their evening. Jacob was glad to have Paul and Jared out of his head for the time being. It would give him plenty of time to think about what he was suppose to do.

When he arrived at his house, he saw Bella's beat up red truck sitting in the drive way. Burrowing his brows together, he walked up on his porch, and pulled the screen door open. Inside was his father, Billy Black in his wheel chair, Bella was sitting on the couch with her hands in her lap.

"What are you doing here, Bella?" Jacob ask.

She turned around, and her brown eyes shinned with excitement.

"Just stopping by to see you, Jake." She said.

Jacob had tried to keep Bella from coming to see him, however she refused. Plus, she had pretty much figured out he was a werewolf when she put together some of the old legends he had told her when she had first started dating Edward.

A horn could be heard from outside, Billy smiled, "Heading over Sue's for a bit. You kids take care."

Jacob watched as his father wheeled himself out of the house and down the ramp. Seth Clearwater was outside helping him into his mother's vehicle. Jacob turned back to Bella, "Your leech let you out?"

She sighed, "I thought we wasn't going to call them names." She stated.
"I just don't understand how you can be with a vamp-vampire!" He said, disgusted with the term, "You do realize he's dead. . . right?"

She rolled her eyes, "Only technically." Bella said.
"Isn't that what counts? He doesn't have a beating heart. . . That's pretty fucking dead to me, Bells."

She sighed, "How come you don't get all worked up about Bre's boyfriend like you do mine?" Bella ask, hoping Jacob couldn't tell she was lying through her teeth about the next few things she planned on telling him.
"Bre's boyfriend?" He ask.
"Yeah-- Bre and Emmett, Jacob's brother, the big one, are kind of a thing now that he and Rosalie are splits-ville."
"Bre's dating a vampire?" Jacob ask.

Bella just nodded her head and bit on her lip nervously.

"Bre's dating a CULLEN?" Jacob ask, not believing what Bella had just told him.
"Yeah-- she and Emmett got paired together on a project. Needless to say, they are sort of linked at the hip now." Bella said laughing, "And to think, I thought she liked you for awhile there." Bella added, smiling when she saw him flinch.

Jacob's heart felt like it was being ripped out and placed into a blender, and then set on fire. He couldn't believe that Bre was going out with a VAMPIRE. Bre dating a vampire bugged him a thousand times worse than Bella dating one did.

"I have to go talk to her." Jacob said, shaking his head.
"No! You'll ruin things for them. . . They are so happy, Jacob." Bella said.
"I don't care!" Jacob nearly yelled, "She's not going to be with that blood sucker."
"She is! She even told him she loved him!" Bella said.

Jacob froze, as he starred into the chocolate eyes of the messenger. Bre was in love with a Cullen? How did this happen? Just a few weeks ago she was walking away from him with tears streaming down her cheeks because she was heart broken over him-- and now she was in love with a vampire? How come Paul didn't mention this?

"Paul didn't mention her with a Cullen."
"They are keeping it on the down low because of Rosalie, and of course she isn't going to tell Paul about her dating a VAMPIRE. He's a werewolf, that would cause a war."
"Shape shifter." Jacob corrected her, "Are you sure their dating?"
"Yes, but don't tell anyone. Only Edward and I know about them. I'm happy for them I guess. . . Just wish my relationship was like theirs."
"Like theirs?" Jacob ask.
"Yes, they are so affectionate!" Bella said.

Jacob gritted his teeth together. A vampire was being affectionate towards Bre?

"Why isn't your relationship like theirs?" Jacob ask, confused as to why Emmett and Edward would act different in their relationships. Wouldn't they both be scared of the same thing?

Bella sighed, "I think Edward and I are going to be going through some major problems. . . I just. . . I need a man. . . Someone who can fulfill my needs." She said, getting up and strolling over to Jacob. She reached up and ran her finger over his huge defined muscles on his arm, "and I'm not sure if Edward can give me that." She whispered seductively.

Jacob sucked in a deep breath and moved away from her. Any other time, Bella's actions would have him on cloud nine. But with the news of Bre, all he could think about was her.

"Jacob. . . I'm not sure If I want to be with him anymore." Bella confessed.
"You love him."
"But I love you too." She said, starring up into his dark eyes.

Jacob sighed, "Bella."
"Jacob, will you be my boyfriend?"
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