Status: I will try to update as soon as I can. I'm in a bit of a block with it.

I Don't Love You

I Don't Love You Ch. 10 Pts. 1&2

I Don’t Love You Chapter 10 by: M.S.P.
This is in Gerard’s point of view still, I’m not sure if the rest of the story will be in his point of you, I wrote the story in Frank’s point of view, so it might change back to that eventually. I was going to kill Gerard in this story but I changed my mind in the end, So he won’t die and you should feel lucky about this, because he was going to be murdered in this story but what happened in the end is that he just got shot in the leg.
Part 1
Frank drives me to Mikey’s house and I see Mikey at the door talking to someone. “Hi, is there something going on?” “I’m Lyn-Z’s lawyer and she’s issuing Gerard Way divorce papers.” “I’m Gerard Way; I’d like to see that.” “Oh ok, Well she’s signed them already, you can sign now or decide at a later time.” “I’ll sign them now, please come in.” I signed the papers and then he told me that their will be a settlement next week on Monday at 10 am, so I tell him I’ll be there and he leaves. “Wow that happened fast, I can’t believe she’s leaving me already, but it’s not like I’m sad about it or anything.” “Yes I know, I guess I should have never told you that I was attracted to you, I’m sorry Gerard.” Frank said. “It’s ok; if I could give up on our marriage this easily then I didn’t love her as much as I thought I did.” “That’s probably true, I guess it was going to come out someday then, in one way or another, well at least you didn’t cheat on her.” “That’s true, just fell out of love with her, but I’m so lucky she didn’t kill me; I could’ve died, but she’s so fuckin’ lucky I didn’t press charges on her, I just felt that it was my fault that she shot me.” “Don’t be so hard on yourself; she has no excuse for shooting you brother, just because she thinks you were being an asshole doesn’t give her the right to make you bleed.” “Yeah, you’re probably right Mikey.” “Well do you want to go celebrate your divorce? We could go out to a fancy dinner and have a jolly old time.” Frank said in an English accent. “Yeah that would be great, darling.” I too said to Frank in an English accent. “But let’s bring the whole band with us that would be nice.” “Yeah it would, I’ll call them on the phone brother.” Mikey calls the whole band and I call my favorite fancy Italian Restaurant in the area and set up reservations.
Part 2
I take a shower and get dressed and wear my best suit. Frank shows up at the door 30 minutes after I get ready and Mikey, Frank and I go in Frank’s car to the restaurant. I invited the rest of the band to go but they already had previous engagements. 20 minutes later we arrived at the restaurant, we order our food and apple cider and the boys tell me to make a toast. “Ok, ok. Raise your glasses boys. Thanks for being there for me through this hard situation, and I might have another one coming up, but hopefully we can settle our divorce out of court and I don’t have to pay through the nose. But she can keep the house. To us and a new life.” “To us!” They all said at once, and then they clinked their glasses together. They finished their dinner and talked about how their lives had changed over the months, then Gerard paid the check and they left the Italian Restaurant.
Monday Morning…
Gerard put on his best suit and drove to the courthouse with his brother Mikey and he was meeting his Lawyer there, including Lyn-Z and her Lawyer. They started the proceedings around 10am. Lyn-Z wanted 100 Million Dollars. Gerard didn’t want to give her that much, he didn’t even make that kind of money yet, he was famous, But he wasn’t Paul McCartney. They finally came to an agreement that she would get the house and alimony of 50 thousand dollars a month till she remarried. Gerard could deal with that, He had enough money coming in to afford that. He was eventually going to start up some kind of comic and other projects that will pull in some extra money besides MCR. Now I’ll he’ll have to do is stay with Mikey till he finds an apartment for himself. But it’s all up in the air for now, He’s not sure if he wants to live alone.