Status: I will try to update as soon as I can. I'm in a bit of a block with it.

I Don't Love You

I Don't Love You Ch. 11 Part 1 By: M.S.P.

I Don’t Love You Ch.11 Part 1 By: M.S.P.

(This is still in Gerard’s point of view)
One month later…

Things are going better for me since the divorce from Lyn-Z. I’ve really grown since the divorce, I’ve learned to cook for myself sometimes, I don’t order out as much.

I’ve ordered a treadmill and I actually use it and it really helps me with stress. Once a week I go to a Yoga class, and I know it might seem crazy but I actually like it and it calms me down and is really good for my stress.

I made the decision that I didn’t want to live alone, at least not at this point in my life. Lyn-Z was calling me at all hours of the night when I did have an apartment. I only got to live their for 2 weeks. I was scared to stay. A few days after I moved in, Lyn-Z broke one of my windows. I got a restraining order on her right after that.

Not soon after I moved out and moved in with my brother Mikey. Mikey and I take turns cooking meals, we alternate cooking and doing dishes, I hate doing dishes but love cooking, I’ve really developed a knack for it, I’ve become quite good at it.

I’m also 100% over Frank. Finally we can just be friends now, and things are cool between us again.

I’ve met a girl named Serena, and were in love. We met at Comic-Con and she accepts me for me and doesn’t treat me like I’m a Rock star, she doesn’t care about things like that. When she met me she didn’t even know who I was, because all she listens to these days is French Rock. I’m kind of happy about that because I didn’t want to end up with an obsessed fan for a girlfriend.

Frank told me yesterday that tonight he’s asking Sasha to marry him. I’m so happy for them. So after she gets the good news, and says yes, they’re going to come over for a dinner party with Serena and I and Mikey. Mikey is going to have it catered from a French Restaurant with vegetarian French food, Serena and Frank will both appreciate that.

This story will continue with Ch. 11 Pt. 2 In Frank’s Point of View, and it will be the end of the story, I’m sorry but I’m not doing a Sequel.